
Monday 15 January 2024

Monday, 15th January 2024 - Marble Fields

We are just about to head out to The Rose and Crown in Beckley collecting Tony and Wendy on our way. They have a music session on the third Monday of the month. Steve is playing and recommended we go. I am hoping it's not too diddly diddly. I will let you know.

I have been raking leaves, piling them into builders bags and dragging them down the garden to heave them onto the compost heap. I spent a lot of time complaining to myself. Tim came out to join me commenting on what a glorious day it was. Don't you just hate a jolly person when you want to grump.

Today's postcard is for my Uncle. I have not seen or spoken to him for years. I hope I hear back from him. I saw on instagram marbles dipped in ink then rolled across paper. Rather like the idea so I had a go. Great fun once I learnt how to control the marbles and stop them from bouncing out the frame onto the floor.

Marble Fields
Indian Ink and Watercolour

1 comment:

  1. Looks like stained glass. I hope you hear back from him too xx
