
Thursday, 6 February 2025

Thursday, 6th February 2025 - Talk by Nick

Wendy, arty Wendy not gardening Wendy, and I did a reconnoitre of Ruckinge church for a future painting venue for WOKAS. After getting back we did an about turn collect a handbag that we had left in the Church porch. Money and credit cards all present and correct. Must be a very honest area. And a relief.

I was back on my hands and knees digging out wild garlic bulbs. I have found a series of audio books that is keeping me entertained. It is a soggy tedious task.

This evening Nick Hebditch gave WOKAS a talk about his artistic journey. Loads of inspirational information and pictures. I really want to do more oil painting .... if only I had a Strada easel! I took the opportunity of listening and watching while doing a sketch of Nick and his audience.

Talk by Nick
Pen and Ink

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday, 5th February 2025 - Chicken Sitting

Gardens are beginning to come to life with daffodil sticks, floriferous snowdrops, head down hellebores and a sprinkling of crocuses. Unfortunately, the weeds are keeping up. I was on my hands and knees digging out wild garlic that has monopolised a flower bed. Good start but lots more to go. I threw the 'diggings' into the chicken run. It was funny watching them scratching and scrabbling  together.

We are looking after our friends chickens while they are on holiday. They made a lovely models for a sketch.

Chicken Sitting
Pen and Ink

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Tuesday, 4th February 2025 - A Sprig of Hellebores

I didn't win a Strada easel. I have got over my disappointment. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Actually I tell a lie. I found it damn difficult. I liked looking at everyone else's paintings. 

The village fete poster is with the committee. I await feedback.

The dilemma this evening whilst studying a sprig of hellebores is ink first or watercolour first. Ink today. It takes a brave and bold artist to go in with colour first.

The best part of my day was getting a phone call from my granddaughter. It was wonderful to chat with her. She makes me feel good. Thank you Hetty for making your Grandma laugh.

A Sprig of Hellebores
Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 3 February 2025

Monday, 3rd February 2025 - Goodbye Robin

Tim and I went to a funeral today. I had only met Robin a few times. He was a very good friend of Tim's older sister Susan. I found him to be a lovely man and it was very sad to say goodbye to him. Days like today make you think and appreciate what we have. It felt strange going to the pub for the wake. The last time I had been there was with my brother and Mum. It was a beautiful view from The Queen's Head Inn. A double page of the misty view in my sketchbook was a lovely way to remember Robin and my Mum. I miss my Mum. 

I will find out at 2am who has won the Strada easel prizes. I probably wont be waiting up to find out.

Goodbye Robin
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday, 2nd February 2025 - Tim and A Woodburner

The frost on the grass sparkled with tiny rainbows in the sun this morning. So pretty.

The gates were open when we collected our car this morning. It was reassuring to know that even though the drivers door had been left wide open all night our possessions were still there.

Nick and Suzy invited for lunch with Si, Lesley, Nick and Alli. We drank lovely wine, ate delicious food (even though my request for custard and ice-cream on fruit crumble did get queried) and chatted for hours. They are very avid readers which is excellent. I now have many book and programme recommendations that I will need reminding of as I cannot remember a single one now. A good way to spend a Sunday lunchtime. Thank you Nick and Suzy for being excellent hosts. 

I have been working on my commissions. The dry points are printed and now drying ready to be framed. The poster for the Benenden Fete is nearly there in composition. Next I have the fun bit of drawing and colouring. I have got an on-line oil painting course waiting for some spare time - really looking forward to it. It's by an artist Lacey Lewis who I admire greatly.

Two quick sketches of our woodburner and Tim working.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday, 1st February 2025 - Afternoon Walk

I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with my daily artistic musings. A sketchbook would fill in my gaps and craving for drawing between bigger works. I found a gorgeous sketchbook that has sat pristine in my cupboard. Now it has the opportunity to see the light of day. I welcome you to my life in sketches.

Tim and I picked up Tony and Wendy and headed into Tenterden. The sun was shining and the perfect day for a stroll. We parked in the station carpark and headed off at about 3ish expecting to return in a couple of hours. The walk took a few unexpected deviations. We stopped for a beer at McCanns brewery. My knee was gripping at going on any downhill trajectory that slowed us down. I did a check on my phone that had an activity log - over 17,000 steps - no wonder my knee gave way!. We returned to Tenterden in the dark but the moon did look glorious. The gate to the carpark was shut and padlocked enclosing our car. A discussion over a beer at The Old Dairy resulted in Pippa coming to our rescue and driving us home. Thank you Pippa we owe you, lots.

Afternoon Walk

Friday, 31 January 2025

Friday, 31st January 2025 - Grape Bowl

I have been clearing out my studio so I could print my drypoints. I found have found all sorts of forgotten art materials. Now lots of art ideas are spinning around in my head. I did get the printing done. It is now drying before I add a touch of watercolour.

Day 31 #stradaeasel

The last day of the very challenging challenge of painting from life every day in January. A bowl that used to contain hyacinths has been repurposed as a fruit bowl was today's subject. I can now wait for the arrival of my new easel!!!

Grape Bowl
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Thursday, 30th January 2025 - A Promise of Spring

A 'to-do' list for today has got longer as the day progressed. A meeting this afternoon with Alison and Wendy contributed to it considerably. We are working on our art groups forthcoming programme. Lots of decisions, emails and searching for guest artists needed. If you know anyone in the Tenterden area who does art demonstrations or workshops let me know.

I have been working on a couple of dry points for a commission. I forgot how much I enjoy this slow, messy process. This is alongside a poster I am doing for the Benenden fete that is progressing slowly. 

I stuffed clothes and soft plastics into their bins in Tescos carpark. A small but cleansing process. Sadly no bargains in the reduced aisle.

The sourdough dough it sitting in the fridge. Not much fermentation going on. I think I will bake it tomorrow to give it more of a chance to grow. Brett lent me his recipe book by Elaine Boddy. I have had a quick flick through. There are biscuits, focaccia, and crackers. They all sound delicious. 

Day 30 #stradaeasel

The primroses are just beginning to show their faces. It was dark when I got home so I took a torch to gather a tiny posy for today's painting. I found that if they were damp I could stick them to a plastic chopping board at about 45 degrees. Made it a bit more interesting than another bunch of flowers in a vase.

A Promise of Spring
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Wednesday, 29th January 2025 - The Lost Earring

If you are ever passing through Goudhurst and need a coffee Taywells is a good place to stop. I caught up with Gay there today. We are both very proud grandparents. There is a farmshop attached which sells some lovely stuff if a bit on the pricey side. 

Parkers is an on-line plant/seed website that delivered a large box of things in pots. Wendy recommend the plants for our clay heavy garden. This afternoon the euphorbias and athyriums were able to spread their roots into bigger pots. Goodness knows what athyriums are but I am sure they will be delightful.

My son-in-law Brett has been making sour dough for years. He gave me a bit of starter yesterday that I fed this morning and is now very lively. On his advice now is the time to make the dough when I have an active starter. Here I go....! I will let you know how it turns out.

Day 29 #stradaeasel

The earring that was lost has been returned to me in the post. 

PS Just in case my son reads this that is alcohol free beer I am drinking!

The Lost Earring
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Tuesday, 28th January 2025 - Fresh for Five Days

I have missed a few days yoga. I got on my mat with Revolution with Adriene. She did a mean core session - owweee.

We had a lovely day in Wickhambreaux. I have missed them all so much. We haven't seen them for weeks due to viruses that are now departed. Harriet gave us surprisingly tasty chocolate and courgette muffins with our coffee. So wonderful to collect Herbie from school after an excellent day. I am so proud of him. He told us all about his day on the way home, the food and the songs. Hetty and Raffy looked charming in their school blazers. They are growing up so fast it's scary. Back home I was convinced I had left my mobile in Harriet's bathroom on the side of the bath. I took it out my jeans pocket for safety having previously dropped it down a toilet. Find My phone told me it was at home with me. I was very pleased to find it under the car seat. Daft woman! 

Day 28 #stradaeasel

I bought these tulips a few days ago. They have an interesting droop that I needed to paint. 

Fresh for Five Days
Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 27 January 2025

Monday, 27th January 2025 - Portraits with The Viridians

Day 27 #stradaeasel

It was a squeeze getting breakfast done and a Tescos delivery sorted in time to leave the house to be in time for The Viridians. I made it in time to Clive's house for coffee. All five Viridians were present today. We were inspired by the pastel portraits we had watched last Thursday. We all can draw a face but it is getting a likeness that is the challenge. My portrait of Clive looks a bit like King Charles. I learnt a lot.Thank you clive for the tuition. Thank you Leelee for the soup. Thank you Alison for the truffles. Thank you Wendy for bringing Ted.

Clive in Pastel

Alison in Pastel

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sunday, 26th January 2025 - The Imposter

A beautiful clear sunrise greeted me as I dragged on my dressing gown. I guessed it was going to be a lovely sunny day. Good thing I am not a weather forecaster. It had turned into a disgusting very wet and very windy Sunday.

Happy Birthday to our dear friend Pippa. We had a great evening last night celebrating. It was lovely to be with friends we haven't seen for ages. Barry was excellent on his guitar and he played and sung Weather With You to me. Ok maybe not just to me as there was a room full of people but he knows it is my favourite.

A couple of enquiries for my art have landed in my email. One is a painting from my website. The other for a couple of drypoints. How wonderful. 

Day 26 #stradaeasel

We have a few chocolates left over from Christmas. Tim has his favourites and I am happy to eat anything from a Celebrations tub. There were a few dark chocolate Lindt truffles lurking in the bottom of a box. I had the idea of today's paining while eating a Bounty, followed by a Twix and then a Milky Way - they are very small!

The Imposter
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Saturday 25th January 2025 - Happy Hens

I managed to do my first breakfast of 2025 without any mishaps. Poached eggs on toast was an easy way to start off my working year. It is good to have guests back again. I love chatting with them. I could be classed as nosey. I prefer to think of myself as interested.

We are off to a birthday party this evening. It was a good excuse to do a linocut for a birthday card. I will post a photo of the card tomorrow. There is a theme to Pippa's present. I have made marmalade and Tim has made a loaf of bread and the chickens have made the eggs for a birthday breakfast tomorrow. I love a party. Looking forward to a dance.

Day 25 #stradaeasel

I set myself up in the garden to paint our chickens who were enjoying a respite from the wind and rain. 

Busy Hens

Friday, 24 January 2025

Friday, 24th January 2025 - After Dinner

I have my first bed and breakfast guests of 2025. Most of my afternoon was spent getting the house into order for them. Amazing house dusty quickly  the nooks and crannies get without regular attention. They didn't want my malt loaf. I did with butter and it was better than a Soreen. 

Day 24 #stradaeasel

We are into the last week of the Strada easel challenge. There are over 900 participants. My chance of winning an easel is looking remote. I was clearing up after dinner. Lovely subject for a pen drawing. 

After Dinner

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thursday, 23rd January 2025 - Wendy's Malt Loaf

Adriene has disappointed me. She is no longer dropping her monthly yoga calendars into my email box. There are ten years worth on the internet I discovered. I am working my way through Revolution. My stomach muscles and arms have had a good workout today. Love the way she teaches.

My tax return figures are in, added and delivered to my husband to put in some sort of order for the tax man. Glad that's over for another year.

This evening I went to a WOKAS get together. Juliette Dodd was demonstrating portraits. We learnt a lot and are inspired for our next Viridians meeting to have a go at portraits in pastel. 

Day 23 #stradaeasel

I was rummaging through my recipes for a chocolate brownie recipe my sister had given to me years ago. I came across a recipe that Wendy had given me for malt loaf that I had forgotten about. A search in the cupboard and I had all the ingredients. I made two lots of chocolate brownies and a malt loaf. Good use of the oven baking all three at once. It delicious sliced and spread thickly with butter. 

Wendy's Malt Loaf
Pen and watercolour

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Wednesday, 22nd January 2025 - Snowdrops to shed the January Blues

For those who wondered what a pomelo tastes like it is like a sour orange or a sweet grapefruit. A rather charming fruit.

This morning we drove through the mist and fog to meet Elizabeth and Keith at the Lime Wharf cafe in Northiam for breakfast. I would have taken a photo and used that for inspiration for today's work but it is not in the rules for the strada challenge and I really really want to win an easel so I didn't. I had chilli infused Lebneh with avocado and roasted cherry tomatoes served on sour dough with apricot and date jam. When eating out I try and have something I don't cook at home. This I have never made and it was delicious. Lovely place for brunch. It set me up for another afternoon with my tedious tax return figures.

Day 22 #stradaeasel

I picked some snowdrops yesterday that were tight buds. The warmth of our kitchen has unfolded some of them. I am home alone this evening and taking the opportunity of indulging in listening to music while tackling a linocut and print. 

Snowdrops to shed the January Blues

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tuesday, 21st January 2025 - Pomelo

We have been without power while smart new poles and electric cables were installed. It made me realise how much electricity powers by day to day life. I gave up inside as everything I thought to do, ironing, vacuuming, making bread and blow drying my fringe was not possible. Good thing it was dim lit day to hide my grubby house. I put on my coat, bobble hat, plugged in my earbuds and headed out into a very cold and foggy garden to tidy and clear. My sweetpeas aren't up yet. 

Day 21 #stradaeasel

Just before Christmas Tim and I were delivering Christmas cards in the village. We were chatting with a neighbour who had been shopping to get a Pomelo. He ate them for breakfast when he lived in India and liked them as they reminded him of those times. I have wanted to try one ever since. I found one in the local supermarket. It is about the size of a melon but looks and smells like the cross between an orange and a grapefruit. An interesting painting subject for me to tackle today. A quick google and they are a fruit with lots of lovely symbolism - good luck, family unity and prosperity. Sounds good to me,

Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 20 January 2025

Monday, 20th January 2025 - Wonky Pots

No stories to tell today. I have been adding and collating figures for my tax return.

Thank you for the book recommendations after my request for them yesterday.

Day 20 #stradaeasel

From my vast collection of pots I chose three for today. They are all a bit wonky. Some from being handthrown and some because I got the perspective a bit out. I was watching the series Pennyworth that was on the edge of my vision. After last year of painting 366 postcard sized works I am thoroughly enjoying painting bigger. 

Wonky Pots

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Sunday, 19th January 2025 - No 11

My sister brought me some earrings for my 60th birthday last year. They are ones I am very fond of and wear lots. Yesterday I was wearing a fluffy scarf that catches on them. I lost one I thought on the streets of Tonbridge which was annoying and sad. Today I got a text from Diane - she had found it in their hallway!!! Great news.

I need a new book to read. Has anyone got any recommendations?

Day 19 #stradaeasel

I was in Aldi . I had read raving reviews about their perfume. Another lady was looking at it with me. There weren't any testers. She was braver than me and opened all three that were on the shelf. We both bought a bottle of Peony Blush. It smells gorgeous. Nice subject for today's painting I thought until I started painting it. I find shine and glass are very hard to capture. 

No 11

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Saturday, 18th January 2025 - Tim's Loaf

Day 18 #stradaeasel

Tim was up kneading dough before I had emerged for the day. He was making a loaf to take to friends for lunch. He made two. We have kept one to have a Sunday indulgence with. It is a thing of beauty and made a lovely model for today's painting. 

This morning I finished making the kitchen sticky with marmalade. It is looking like a firmish set which is always a bonus. I have a tendency to made runny preserves.

Lindsey was our chauffeur for the day. She took us to Aldi for coffee beans, B&Q where we found half price cyclamen that I had converted last week. On to Tonbridge to John and Diane's home. We wandered through the streets of Tonbridge and around the castle. It was buzzing. We stopped at Fuggles for nuts, a couple of drinks and more nuts before heading back to John and Diane's for a very long, tasty, lazy lunch. Lindsey, Tim and John have know each other for sixty plus years. Yes, there was lots of reminiscing. 

Tim's Loaf
Indian Ink and Watercolour

Friday, 17 January 2025

Friday, 17th January 2025 - Lizzie's Pot

Sarah and I have had to find a new coffee venue for our intermittent catch ups. Wendy's in Cranbrook, where we have shared many a bacon roll with chilli jam, is shut. We met in Tenterden at Nutmeg - lovely coffee but no bacon rolls with chilli jam. 

I went back to the car to find my keyfob wasn't working. With over the phone instruction from Tim I unlocked the passenger door, clambered over the seat ready to head home. My Nissan wasn't going anywhere. I had left the headlights on and the battery flat. Tim came with his extra long jump leads and got me back on the road. 

Our kitchen is like being in a sauna from simmering Seville oranges. I have two preserving pans of marmalade on a rolling boil that will be served to delighted bed and breakfast guests. Squeezing the bags of pith and pips I imagine is a bit like milking a cow.

Day 17 #stradaeasel

Today I have painted hyacinths that Elizabeth gave us. They smell gorgeous. When the bulbs are long gone we will still have beautiful bowl made by Elizabeth. I think it will be perfect for crisps with a glass of cold wine in the summer.

Lizzie's Pot
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Thursday, 16th January 2025 - Sevilles at the Ready

What we had planned today didn't occur. The flu virus put paid to our plans. Dammit. Tim and I are fine. 

Day 16 #stradaeasel

It is that glorious but short lived time of year to make marmalade. Delia's recipe is the best. I couldn't think of a better subject for today's painting. I reverted back to my comfort zone using pen and watercolour.

Sevilles at the Ready
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Wednesday, 15th January 2025 - Alison's Pots

I was slow to get going this morning. I need to set an alarm to get myself up as I am getting later to bed and later to get up. I will be back to doing bed and breakfast soon. Time to reset my body clock.

Late afternoon I plugged in my audio book and fought with the dead plants in the garden. I came in to cook dinner. I made white onion sauce to go with our pheasant. Mum used to made onion sauce. I had a reminisce of those days. Sooo good.

Day 15 #stradaeasel

I was with The Viridians at Alison's today. We had a still life set up to tackle. After four hours painting including a break for a soup, bread and cheese lunch we packed up our brushes. I had another battle with oil paints that caused me a raft of emotions. I took photos of my process. Interesting to look back on

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Tuesday, 14th January 2025 - Sprig of Carnations

Tim and I spent the afternoon in the garden clearing, tidying, planting seeds and chopping logs in the sunshine. If felt good to begin to kick the garden into shape

We came in wondering what to cook for dinner. It turned into a impromptu evening. We went to see Conclave at the Kino. Alli and Nick were going and gave us the idea. Even better Tuesday is half price. What a great film with an interesting twisty ending. We planned to head home for baked beans on toast. A quick drink in The Queens resulted in pizza for dinner.  

Day 12 #stradaeasel

I was later to my painting than expected. I had a twig with lichen on in preparation for today's painting. Too complicated after a tummy full of pizza. So I have painted a sprig of pretty carnations that are left over from a bunch of flowers that Tom had bought at Christmas. I do love drawing in Indian ink with a twig.

Sprig of Carnations
Watercolour and Indian Ink

Monday, 13 January 2025

Monday, 13th January 2025 - Jelly Sweets Gift

It has been a quiet day. Tim went to London. Tescos delivered and restocked my cupboards for the week. I did a bit of yoga. Brought in some logs. Lots of 'stuff' got done. Then I rested a painful shoulder.

Day 13 #stradaeasel

A friend of ours got a treatsized bag of Haribo in parcel they received. Being diagnosed with diabetes the sweets were off their menu. I have been gifted them. I decided they would make a good picture for today. It was much harder than I thought. I was a bit frustrated that I couldn't get the translucency of them. Their punishment? I have eaten them!

Jelly Sweet Gift

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Sunday, 12th January 2025 - Church in the Snow

Tim and I had a slippery drive to Dingleden to meet Tony and Wendy. We ventured out the back of their house into the woods, along some very icy roads, creaky iced paths that took us to The Woodcock. I needed a hot chocolate. We walked through Standen Apple Orchards that smelt of cider from the fermenting apples. 

This evening we had a most delicious chilli. It was made even more tasty by the fact the Tim cooked it. Perfect food to refuel after a 12,000 step walk.

This evening I have been researching plants/animals/symbols for January birthdays. I fancy doing some linocuts. I now have a list for inspiration.

Day 12 #stradaeasel

I set myself up in the same spot by the Catholic Church as yesterday just in front of our house. Today I had my watercolour palette. I seem to lose time when painting. I get so engrossed in what I am doing the world around me stops. It was another freezing session under my feet. I had to find another pair of handwarmers with a very charming red fluffy band. Yesterdays got covered in oil paint. I had a wonderful time. Working outside I find challenging. I am learning to cropping and simplyfying the view. It is so tempting to put in everything.

Church in the Snow

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Saturday, 11th January 2025 - Benenden Catholic Church

Day 11 Stradaeasel Challenge

I have been following other artists doing the #stradaeasel challenge. Wow, what an amazing group of artists and so inspiring. Some have been out doing en plein air work. I can do that I thought. So, today I ventured outside while the snow and frost was still on the ground, the sun was shining  and it was beautiful.  Tim helped me set up, bit wobbly on the leafy ground. For nearly two hours I painted. What a fabulous time. I was totally  engrossed in an art zone. It wasn't until I had finished and started to move that I realised that I was frozen to my toes. Not a Picasso but I felt his passion. Learnt loads. I don't like a dark palette - can't see the tones. I need a husband to bring me warming tea. I feel very privileged that I could indulge in my passion.

This afternoon I ironed bed and breakfast bedding and a couple of shirts and blouses. A couple of drinks at the Ewe and Lamb followed by a frittata (our hens are prolific) was a good way to end a Saturday.

Benenden Catholic Church
Oil on Board

Friday, 10 January 2025

Friday, 10th January 2025 - Eggs on Check

Tim was up and making bread before I had unwrapped myself from my duvet. A couple of hours later we headed into Tunbridge wells with the car smelling like a bakery from Tim's baked loaf. I went to M&S and felt their bedding. What I wanted wasn't in store. Bit disappointing but I did get to feel the quality of their cotton sheets. I met Tim is Asda. We left with coconut oil and a Beano. I also found some boxes to store the Christmas decorations that are littering the house in a very irritating mess. B&Q was full of half price polyanthus. We stocked up on those and headed back to the car to find a flat tyre. Dammit. After emptying the boot onto the ground - amazing how much stuff my little Nissan boot can hold including a fold up chair and painting easel. Out came the jack and spare tyre. The safety nut would not budge. After a couple of phone calls to Nick and Si explaining our predicament they suggested going to Crazy tyres. An hour later and a very entertaining time I had chatting with a mechanic, with terrible knee trouble but very white teeth, we were back on the road. 

We spent the afternoon at Nick and Alli's with Si and Lesley. The parsnip soup was delicious. Tim's bread was a triumph. 

Day 10 #stradaeasel

Another day that my mind couldn't decide what to paint. When we were at Nick and Alli's the view was beautiful with a sky of many colours. It would have made a lovely painting but I would have had to take a photo and that is not allowed in the Strada Easel Challenge. Another dammit. Inspiration struck as I was peeling eggs for dinner. 

Eggs on Check

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Thursday, 9th January 2025 - 'Scentsational' Sweetpeas

It was lovely to wake to a sunny day with the snow still on the ground. Everything looks so sparkly clean. So pretty.

I was out the door onto the slushy roads on my way to meet my long lost friends for coffee. I haven't seen them since before Christmas which is far too long. I returned two bottles of unwanted sparkling Chapel Down to Tescos, I know, I know, it was a difficult decision. We thought it was offer but it wasn't so a return was imperative. I wandered up a snowy Tenterden to Nutmeg where Pippa and June were already there. We had a coffee. Then another one. So many stories to catch up with.

I got back home and did a tidy up of our kitchen, lit the woodburner and made some biscuits - I forgot to buy any. Ruth interviewed me for a Spotlight piece for the Benenden Parish magazine about my Connected Postcard project I did in 2024. Ruth made it very easy to chat. I was feeling slightly nervous which was daft.

I headed out to a WOKAS meeting this evening. The roads were already icy and very wet. The road from Benenden had very little grit if any. It didn't feel safe at 6.30pm. Three hours later and plummeting temperatures it would be even worse so I decided to turn around and had leftover curry with Tim.

Day 9 #stradaeasel

I was getting my sweet pea seeds ready to soak for germination as recommended to me by Anya The Garden Fairy who I follow on Instagram. She gives brilliant gardening hints and tips. The torn packet and seeds were the inspiration for today's watercolour paining.

Painting 'Scentsational' Sweetpeas

'Scentsational' Sweetpeas
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Wednesday, 8th January 2025 - Night Snow

 Cleaning and gardening were on my list today. Cleaning done. I wrapped myself up in hat, coat, boots and gloves to tackle the dead and droopy ferns. Back in the kitchen I rustled up a quick pheasant curry and a bottom of the vegetable basket curry - it took three hours before it was on the plates. Not sure why curries take sooo long to cook. A major benefit is we have enough for tomorrow. Oh and it was delicious.

Day 8 #stradaeasel

As I type there is a sprinkling of snow in the garden. This will be my subject for today's painting. I just have to work out how to do it without going outside. I ended up leaning on the top of our open stable door. I used Daniel Smith Moonglow and Luna Black watercolour because they granulate beautifully.

Night Snow
Daniel Smith Moonglow and Luna Black 

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Tuesday, 7th January 2025 - A Trio of Pears

 A great way to spend a Tuesday morning is with your sister buying seeds in preparation of a floriferous garden. I have sweetpeas to plant now, nicotiana and cosmos for pots, snapdragons that remind me of my grandad, marigolds to keep the bugs off the broad and french beans which will be entwined with nasturtiums. Sounds fantastic doesn't it.

Lindsey and I came back after coffee and cheese scones in the Benenden cafe to find Tony, Wendy and Tim tackling the large trunks of our fallen hornbeam. With my audio book playing I stacked many many barrows of split logs. They are now piled high seasoning in our log store.

Day 7 #stradaeasel

While Lindsey and I were out on our adventures we called into Chittenden Farm shop. I came out with a pheasant - £3 what a bargain, brussel tops, cheerful gold apples and the subject of today's painting, pears. Such a great farm shop.

A Trio of Pears

Monday, 6 January 2025

Monday, 6th January 2025 - New Beginnings

Tom and Fable have returned to Northampton. We will miss them and our evenings together. I went for a last muddy walk. I could not mend my old wellies. I have new ones that are even better and got a good puddle testing today.

I craved comfort food. Tim made me homemade pasties with chips and baked beans. I feel very comforted. 

Day 6 #stradaeasel

After feeding the ruffled feathered garden birds I had a wander around the garden in search of a subject for my painting. The snowdrops are up but not flowering but I did discover a polyanthus in flower. They symbolise new beginnings which is perfect for 2025.

New Beginnings
Watercolour on cotton rag paper

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Saturday, 5th January 2025 - Herbie's Pink Poinsettia

It has been sad taking down the Christmas decorations and stuffing them back into the boxes. The house looks kind of 'naked' without them.

We are going to a birthday party this evening. I love a party. `It will be a fun one as we have been told to take torches, wellies and wrap up warm. The original party was going to be in a marquee but that flooded overnight. Now it's in a barn. At least it's not snowing. 

Day 5 #stradaeasel

It took me a while to settle into what to paint today. The pink poinsettia that Herbie gave me was the perfect subject. I don't have much use for my watercolour Opera Pink that sits patiently on my palette. It was in got lots of use today. 

Herbie's Pink Poinsettia

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Saturday, 4th January 2025 - Oracle Roses

Tim and I worked into the garden clearing up our fallen trees before the snow was due. We chopped, dragged, and barrowed until we had reinstated clear pathways through the garden. My muscles in every part of my body happily ache. We didn't get any snow. We got rain.

I feel bereft. I have finished watching The Resident. 

Day 4 #stadaeasel

I have had fun playing with time-lapse videos of my painting. I have done one of the painting below. If you would like to see it have a look at my Instagram page katerundellartist. 

Oracle Roses

Friday, 3 January 2025

Friday, 3rd January 2025 - John's Grapes

The Prana practice I am following with Adriene is surprisingly difficult. Today was less than 20 minutes and involved a lot of breath work but my keeping myself correctly seated takes a lot of concentration. I feel a little sore around my shoulders.

The Evans and Poppy came for homemade pizzas. The breadmaker is excellent for making dough for a lazy cook like me. The grandchildren added their own toppings. I like to see what they choose. Hetty's was very symmetrical. Raffy had one central olive. Herbie's was salami heavy. We played Connect 4. It belonged to my mother-in-law. I am so pleased I kept it. The brave ones took the dogs for a very cold and frosty walk. I have missed their company and felt much better after their visit.

Day 3 #stradaeasel

We bought some grapes for a friend who is hospital. He requested grapes. We didn't get to visit him today. We have some tasty grapes to eat.

John's Grapes
Indian Ink and Watercolour
24 x 17cm

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Thursday, 2nd January 2025 - Onion in Onion Ink

After a session with Adriene that left me checking my posture throughout the day, I headed into the garden to clear our fallen tree. It is looking better but we have another couple of days of tidying and chain sawing. The logs will be ready in 2027 after a couple of years of drying and seasoning. 

I had a lovely mug of tea with Lindsey. And then I had another. It was lovely warming my muscles in front of her woodburner. I took her a bunch of daffodils for being wonderful.

I came home to find dinner had been prepared. Thank you Tom for the bargain salmon. Thank you Tim for the cooking. I was very hungry after my day of logging.

Day 2 #stradaeasel

Today's painting is painting with ink I made from onion skins, a touch of avocado stone ink and some white ink made from aluminium that has been steeping on the window sill for over a year. Great fun.

Onion in Onion Ink
Homemade inks
20 x 22cm

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Wednesday, 1st January 2025 - Tom's Apple in Oils

Happy 2025 to you all. Any resolutions? Mine are the usual, eat less, drink less, exercise more. They will be broken within a few weeks but my intentions are good.

We were surprised that we still had power this morning after a very wet and windy night. Unfortunately an ailing tree had succumbed to the wind and lost a couple of rather large limbs. From the house it didn't look too bad but after donning our wellies and raincoats on closer inspection it had clipped the edge of the greenhouse taking out a couple of panes of glass and squishing a water butt. The spindlberry was in the line of fire and now horizontal. We have a lot of clearing up to do. The nasty bit is the glass from the greenhouse which we cleared most of today.

Day1 #stradaeasel

I have finished my postcard project. For January 2025 I am doing The Strada Easel Challenge. I am taking part so I can win an easel!!! No harm in being positive. Every day - oh yes, you paint/draw/create a work of art only from life. I thought I would start simple. One apple in oil. Blimey! I am glad you didn't hear the expletives emanating from my studio. Felt fantastic to be painting something bigger than a postcard.

Tom's Apple in Oils
Oil on board
20 x 20cm