
Thursday, 6 February 2025

Thursday, 6th February 2025 - Talk by Nick

Wendy, arty Wendy not gardening Wendy, and I did a reconnoitre of Ruckinge church for a future painting venue for WOKAS. After getting back we did an about turn collect a handbag that we had left in the Church porch. Money and credit cards all present and correct. Must be a very honest area. And a relief.

I was back on my hands and knees digging out wild garlic bulbs. I have found a series of audio books that is keeping me entertained. It is a soggy tedious task.

This evening Nick Hebditch gave WOKAS a talk about his artistic journey. Loads of inspirational information and pictures. I really want to do more oil painting .... if only I had a Strada easel! I took the opportunity of listening and watching while doing a sketch of Nick and his audience.

Talk by Nick
Pen and Ink

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday, 5th February 2025 - Chicken Sitting

Gardens are beginning to come to life with daffodil sticks, floriferous snowdrops, head down hellebores and a sprinkling of crocuses. Unfortunately, the weeds are keeping up. I was on my hands and knees digging out wild garlic that has monopolised a flower bed. Good start but lots more to go. I threw the 'diggings' into the chicken run. It was funny watching them scratching and scrabbling  together.

We are looking after our friends chickens while they are on holiday. They made a lovely models for a sketch.

Chicken Sitting
Pen and Ink

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Tuesday, 4th February 2025 - A Sprig of Hellebores

I didn't win a Strada easel. I have got over my disappointment. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Actually I tell a lie. I found it damn difficult. I liked looking at everyone else's paintings. 

The village fete poster is with the committee. I await feedback.

The dilemma this evening whilst studying a sprig of hellebores is ink first or watercolour first. Ink today. It takes a brave and bold artist to go in with colour first.

The best part of my day was getting a phone call from my granddaughter. It was wonderful to chat with her. She makes me feel good. Thank you Hetty for making your Grandma laugh.

A Sprig of Hellebores
Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 3 February 2025

Monday, 3rd February 2025 - Goodbye Robin

Tim and I went to a funeral today. I had only met Robin a few times. He was a very good friend of Tim's older sister Susan. I found him to be a lovely man and it was very sad to say goodbye to him. Days like today make you think and appreciate what we have. It felt strange going to the pub for the wake. The last time I had been there was with my brother and Mum. It was a beautiful view from The Queen's Head Inn. A double page of the misty view in my sketchbook was a lovely way to remember Robin and my Mum. I miss my Mum. 

I will find out at 2am who has won the Strada easel prizes. I probably wont be waiting up to find out.

Goodbye Robin
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday, 2nd February 2025 - Tim and A Woodburner

The frost on the grass sparkled with tiny rainbows in the sun this morning. So pretty.

The gates were open when we collected our car this morning. It was reassuring to know that even though the drivers door had been left wide open all night our possessions were still there.

Nick and Suzy invited for lunch with Si, Lesley, Nick and Alli. We drank lovely wine, ate delicious food (even though my request for custard and ice-cream on fruit crumble did get queried) and chatted for hours. They are very avid readers which is excellent. I now have many book and programme recommendations that I will need reminding of as I cannot remember a single one now. A good way to spend a Sunday lunchtime. Thank you Nick and Suzy for being excellent hosts. 

I have been working on my commissions. The dry points are printed and now drying ready to be framed. The poster for the Benenden Fete is nearly there in composition. Next I have the fun bit of drawing and colouring. I have got an on-line oil painting course waiting for some spare time - really looking forward to it. It's by an artist Lacey Lewis who I admire greatly.

Two quick sketches of our woodburner and Tim working.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday, 1st February 2025 - Afternoon Walk

I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with my daily artistic musings. A sketchbook would fill in my gaps and craving for drawing between bigger works. I found a gorgeous sketchbook that has sat pristine in my cupboard. Now it has the opportunity to see the light of day. I welcome you to my life in sketches.

Tim and I picked up Tony and Wendy and headed into Tenterden. The sun was shining and the perfect day for a stroll. We parked in the station carpark and headed off at about 3ish expecting to return in a couple of hours. The walk took a few unexpected deviations. We stopped for a beer at McCanns brewery. My knee was gripping at going on any downhill trajectory that slowed us down. I did a check on my phone that had an activity log - over 17,000 steps - no wonder my knee gave way!. We returned to Tenterden in the dark but the moon did look glorious. The gate to the carpark was shut and padlocked enclosing our car. A discussion over a beer at The Old Dairy resulted in Pippa coming to our rescue and driving us home. Thank you Pippa we owe you, lots.

Afternoon Walk

Friday, 31 January 2025

Friday, 31st January 2025 - Grape Bowl

I have been clearing out my studio so I could print my drypoints. I found have found all sorts of forgotten art materials. Now lots of art ideas are spinning around in my head. I did get the printing done. It is now drying before I add a touch of watercolour.

Day 31 #stradaeasel

The last day of the very challenging challenge of painting from life every day in January. A bowl that used to contain hyacinths has been repurposed as a fruit bowl was today's subject. I can now wait for the arrival of my new easel!!!

Grape Bowl
Pen and Watercolour