
Friday 26 July 2024

Friday. 26th July 2024 - The Pink House, Rye

This morning I was happily pottering around making bread dough and tidying up when Tim said "Are you ready?" I had forgotten he was going to Rye. I wasn't going to miss out on a trip to the Rye Art Gallery or coffee, toast with marmalade at The Apothecary. I was ready in minutes.

This afternoon Tim promised a dry walk through Hemsted Forest. Tony, Wendy and I disagreed as we jumped over puddles and paddled through mud.

Marion and Arian, guests who we have known for many years and are now lovely friends, joined us with Tony and Wendy for dinner. Tim made a chickpea and fish dish that I like very much. The turmeric bread I made brightened up the meal. As the evening chilled we came inside and sat around the kitchen table exposing Marion and Arian to Tim's pickled eggs. A lovely evening with lovely friends.

Today's postcard is of The Vicarage in Rye. So many beautiful buildings to draw but I chose this one as it is one of my favourites and there was a bench to park myself on while I drew.

The Pink House, Rye 
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday 25 July 2024

Thursday, 25th July 2024 - Bonny Green Garters

I haven't ventured any further than our garden today. I did go out to collect the eggs and feed the chickens. They made a valiant attempt to fight the crows for the bread crusts. The crows are much more wily than the hens and come in from the chickens blind spot - behind.  Oh and I did fill up the bird feeders. The rain has meant that I have got to the bottom of my ironing pile and Tim and I now have shirts to wear. Two of my friends are exploring hotter climes. One in France and the other in Italy. Me!!!! Jealous????? Errr YES.

Tonight's postcard is a retrospective painting of the final dance the Morris do at the end of their set. All and sundry can join in. One of our lovely Dutch guests bravely took to the floor. I no longer partake having joined in many times in past years. I have been watching Tim Morris dancing for over 43 years and still don't know the names of all the dances.

Bonny Green Garters 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday, 24th July 2024 - Sheep Market in Ashford

Lindsey and I spent a couple of hours in Tenterden pursuing many shops. The coffee and cinnamon bun in Nutmeg were excellent. Our brother was due to visit this weekend. A bad back had made him cancel. This is sad as we haven't seen him for many months. We got some healing tea and a murder mystery book to send to him while he recuperates. Backache is horrid, physically and mentally draining. We hope he is well soon and able to reschedule his visit. Get well soon my big brother.

I have just returned from a very entertaining at The Bell and Jorrocks. I wasn't going to go. Tim gently persuaded me. I am so so pleased I went. I chatted with some lovely people. The Morris dancing was glorious... but.... the song and music following was fabulous. I laughed and cried. Emily singing to Alan was wonderful. They both know how to entertain an audience. Tonight's postcard is a gathering of many singers and musicians drawn as I watched. Great evening.

Sheep Market in Ashford 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Tuesday, 23rd July 2024 - Whitstable Groynes

I am drinking a gin and tonic whilst reminiscing on a wonderful day in Whitstable. Harriet hired a beach hut. Tim, Natalie, Brett, Harriet, Raffy and Herbie - oh and me - celebrated Hetty becoming a teenager. We had bacon fried by Brett on the gas stove in the little hut and made into sandwiches with ketchup, beer, Monster Munch, fizzy sweets (Raffy sorry I stole your chocolate covered honeycomb, it was delicious though) and a pile of chocolate brownies topped with 13 candles. The weather was grim as we set out, drizzling and grey. As the tide went out, sand appeared along with the sun and ice-creams. I got rather soggy playing with Herbie in the sea. Harriet saved me from total immersion and with the girls played in the waves. I retired to the beach. It was the best time to see the family messing about in the waves. Happy birthday Hetty. Your grandparents are so very proud of the person you are. Thank you.

One question for you from Herbie.... Why is the sea salty? Five adults and two clever children did not know the answer. Do you know?

Whitstable Groynes 
Pen and Watercolour

Monday 22 July 2024

Monday, 22nd July 2024 - Prosperity and Health

Today's postcard is inspired by blackcurrants. Tim and I are eating yesterday's blackcurrant cheesecake. 

We are watching The Jetty. I love it apart from being a little jealous of how gorgeous Jenna Coleman is!!!.

Prosperity and Health 
Pen and Watercolur

Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday, 21st July 2024 - Love and Friendship

I have cooked my last eggs for guests this morning. I have a couple of days off. I am hoping to doing some oil painting. I have some ideas batting around my mind that I feel the need to get out.

Would we be having lunch inside or out? Nick, Alli, Si and Lesley arrived with wine, honey, Baklava, , cherries and flowers. So lovely. The rain stopped. The sun came out and much to my pleasure we ate outside. I had forgotten how wonderful a jug of Pimms can be. I did share it. I love cooking for friends as any mishaps are generously received. We had courgette and tomato soup accompanied by Tim's French sticks. Followed by potato and herb salad with pink trout. We had a salad Elizabeth had made us a few weeks ago which was delicious. Hold on. I am going to have to look up what it was called..... Fattoush! Really tasty. I made a cheesecake with blackcurrants given to us by Malcolm. It was cooked in a water bath to keep its wobble. We have a fridge full of leftovers being the benefit of making too much food. 

Lindsey dropped by with Herbie's socks and sunglasses. I miss that little chap.

Alli came with sweetpeas and a lavender wreath she had made. I love it very much - thank you. They were the subjects for today's postcard. Sweetpeas for friendship and lavender for love. 

Tim and I are ending the day watching a film set in Istanbul. We are reminiscing about our few days there.  Such an interesting place.

Love and Friendship 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 20 July 2024

Saturday, 20th July 2024 - Three Generations

Harriet and Herbie we dropped off at breakfast time while Brett, Hetty and Raffy went to a climbing competition in Tunbridge Wells. They all had great climbs. We had a gap in the afternoon while Brett was still climbing. Harriet, Hetty, Raffy, Herbie and I squeezed into our little red two door Peugeot and took a trip to Tescos for ice-creams then landed in Lindsey's garden where Will, Fizz and Ottie were spending the weekend. It was a perfect afternoon with a paddling pool and ice-creams, cherries and donuts chatting in the sun. Thank you for hosting us Lindsey. I hope we didn't leave too much chaos behind.

Three Generations
Pen and Watercolour