The light at this time of year is beautiful. The hours of daylight are short but all the better for snuggling in front of the woodburner. I have captured the colours of autumn in today's postcard.
Autumn Colour Watercolour 335/366 |
I did venture out into garden this morning to collect eggs and check on the greenhouse. There doesn't seem to much emergence of my bulbs I planted in pots. Old plates covering them keep the mice out but seem to be a popular gathering place for slugs. I moved them to a hedge.
I have had a lovely day playing around with simple monoprint techniques. We have a WOKAS meet and create this evening. Wendy and I thought this would be a good topic. I will let you know how it goes and if anyone turns up....... well, there were six of us! We have about 100 members. Where were they all. It was a fun evening nevertheless. Today's postcard I was inspired by Mondrian. Mondrian classified his style as neo-plasticism using only yellow, red and blue. Mine fits that box.
Neo-Plasticism in Monoprint Watercolour 333/366 |
Today has been wet which was my excuse for not going outside. I did have Christmas cards to finish and a bed and breakfast room to change over. Lindsey dropped in. I had coffee. She had tea. Our grandchildren are great joys to us both.
Tim has done some bargain hunting. We had a double delivery of wine. A mix of sparkling crémant de bourgogne and Chapel Down Bacchus - both my favourites. I am looking forward to sharing them with friends and family during the festive season.
I took a photo when we were in Hastings last Friday. There were a bunch of seagulls standing in puddles in a carpark. It really appealed to me. I loved their pink legs and the blue puddles. An inspiring subject for today's postcard.
Pink Legs and Blue Puddles Pen and Watercolour 332/366 |
We are home from lunch in London. A series of events led us there. My car was booked for an MOT near Headcorn. We left it in the safe hands of Jon who runs the Wealden Garage. From there we took the train to Charing Cross but got turfed off at London Bridge due to delays. It was a lovely day for a walk. So we walked. Borough Market was full of delights and people. We wandered along the Thames stopping at the Founder's Arms for a coffee with a view. We found Le Garrick and were led down a spiral staircase (I wouldn't recommend stilettos or too many glasses of wine whilst descending) to the basement to meet Elizabeth, Keith, David and Josie for lunch. Lovely french style food. Back out onto the street for a Cointreau at The Lamb and Flag. I have a tube of lemon yellow and Luna Black watercolour to top up my palette. My car failed it's initial MOT but Jon and his magic fixed it and it is now fully functioning.
Le Garrick Pen and Watercolour 331/366 |
Herbie gave us a pink poinsettia. He was loathed to give it up. I understand why. It is very beautiful.
The buoyancy of our grandson has been replaced with the calmness of bed and breakfast guests.
Tom had the police knock at his door at 2.30am warning of flooding. That must have been horrid. His house in Northampton survived Storm Bert. Such a relief as he has just had it decorated.
It is 9.15pm and we are just back from The Bull. We met Deborah who we haven't seen for probably a year. My postcard instigated getting together. My connections are working. I had two very delightful glasses of Chapel Down rose and a packet of peanuts. We caught up on the comings and goings of the village. I need an early night. We have a trip to London planned for tomorrow.
Herbie's Euphorbia pulcherrima Pen and Watercolour 330/366 |
I write exhausted but full of happy happy memories. Herbie has been collected by his family. It was lovely to see them back together again and how much they had missed each other.
Tom made a delightful surprise visit with Fable this afternoon. He had been celebrating a birthday with a friend. It had run into two days. He dropped in on his way back home. We had a very warm and windy walk into the village to the playground. Thank you Tom for dropping in.
Woodland Walk Watercolour 329/366 |
Herbie's first night away without parents and sisters was excellent. Tim had grandad duties. I was at a printing course in Tenterden. I drove in at around 9 to find the high street being set up for a weekend Christmas market. The weather wasn't too bad. Storm Bert descended while I was on my course. We had planned to take Herbie to the Bedgebury Lights but it was cancelled. Soooo disappointing.
I showed Herbie the print I made today, He said it looked like a whale. Great title thank you.
It's a Whale Monoprint 328/366 |
Our grandson arrived for the weekend. We are looking after him while his sister is at a climbing competition in Leeds. It would have been a lot of time in the car for a seven year old. After he had unpacked his clothes, made his bed, added some animals, put his toothbrush in the ensuite and plugged in his nightlight we went to the Aquarium in Hastings. It was a fun visit but I always feel a bit sorry for the animals in the tanks. It was a lovely sunny afternoon. We wandered to the beach. Herbie persuaded Tim to get close to the waves - a little bit too close they both got wet! Luckily I had put a change of clothes in the car for Herbie. We swung by Tim's sisters house on the way home for tea and chocolate brownie. I am typing after putting a very tired little boy to bed. Fingers crossed for a quiet night. We have a busy day ahead.
Last day of Kalie Graves challenge. Another day of blue. Blue sea and blue sky. It's been a great challenge. Thank you.
Pre Paddle Pen and Watercolour 337/366 |
Another overcook of breakfast eggs due to user error. We had eggs for lunch.
I have the most charming magnetic seagull holding my list to the fridge. Thank you Lindsey I love it and the bird seed. Over a mug of tea we watched the battle of the birds and squirrels through the window as a flurry of snow fell. That sounds so poetic! It was.
Herbie is coming to stay for the weekend. Soooo looking forward to adventures with him. He is staying in one of the bed and breakfast rooms. I have removed all electrical appliances and locked them in another room. He is very inquisitive seven year old and a natural engineer. What fun he would have with a kettle/TV and radio. We have new books, slippers and bath toys for him.
After my eggy lunch it was very tempting to light the fire and lummox with my book on the sofa but I dragged on my wellies and spent a couple of hours raking leaves in the garden. My bobble hat and jacket got jettisoned after a few minutes. I felt so much better for a blast of oxygen and cold air.
I am watching The Resident - yes again - it's a long series. Love it and sharing my experience with my brother through WhatsApp.
Week 3 Day 4 of Kalie Graves challenge is blue. The sky was beautiful today.
'Hey there Mr Blue' Watercolour 326/366 |
Wow what a beautiful morning. Stunning sunrise over a frosty garden. That got me out of bed - plus the need for tea and a wee. Yes and in that order.
Our chickens are laying an egg a day. Having four hens that is a lot of eggs. My guests had scrambled eggs for breakfast and I soft boiled nine eggs for my lunch over the next few days. The clutch of eggs is receding. Michael Mosley said that a boiled egg is a good alternative to a packet of crisps!!!! Can't quite see the similarity but I have plenty of crisp substitutes in the fridge.
The new audio book I had was like listening to a load of fluff. Total meaningless drivel. I gave up and have started a new murder mystery which is much more entertaining. I needed it while I was printing the last of our Christmas cards.
Tim came home from Brussels with a gift of a bottle of gin, a bottle of Kreik and a bar of dark chocolate. Week 3 Day 3 I have chosen fruit for Kalie Graves challenge. My bottle of Kreik is cherry flavoured.
Cherries Pen and Watercolour 325/366 |
I am a little jealous of my son. In Benenden we have had heavy rain and wind. Tom has had lovely snow in Northampton.
I like knitting but not done for ages. I follow Sabrina-Rose Benedict on Instagram. She makes amazing blankets and more by finger knitting. Quite mesmerising to watch. A few weeks ago she posted 'guess the number of balls of wool' for her Stuffies - adorable animals. Wow, I guessed correctly and she has sent me an Ollie the Octopus kit. It arrived yesterday all the way from the US. Beautifully packed with tutorials and instructions. I will have fun making it. Who will I give it to?
Today's postcard is of my octopus prize. Another day of pushing the boundaries. Kalie Graves challenge choice for today is 'blue'. I needed blue watercolour with yellow to make the green I used in my painting.
Blue and Yellow make Green Pen and Watercolour 324/366 |
I bought some red roses to put in the bed and breakfast room. I have kept them for myself. The guests to have alternative flowers.
The Viridians met up today. I couldn't go as I was waiting for a delivery. Do you get FOMO? The frustrating thing was the delivery was late - very late. Damn it I could have been with my painting buddies.
I heard today that another of our friends have had an offer on their house and will be moving away. That makes two recently and I know one other has itchy feet. Makes me think maybe I would like to move? I am very happy where I am and Tim has just painted the windows so I am staying put. I look forward to visiting them in their new homes.
Today is Week 3 Day 1 of Kalie Graves art challenge. I am going with the prompt of floral. I have kept it monochrome to match my mood. I have got blue and vegetable to explore. It has been great seeing the other artists work. Very inspiring.
Mine all Mine Indian Ink 323/366 |
I set my robot hoover off and went to have a shower. They are meant to be time saving devices but not when you spend 20 minutes looking for the damn thing to find it has wrapped itself up in the Alexa wire. Maybe there is an assignation going on between the two?
Tim is in Brussels for a couple of days. I have hinted I would like a bottle of Kreik beer. I will let you know if it materialises.
I made bread and a cherry cake for bed and breakfast guests. They didn't want any cake!!! I am going to have to freeze it before I eat another slice.
I had a dinner of salmon on couscous with a glass of red wine. Even though Tim was not with me I was not alone. Conrad from The Resident kept me company. Nothing better than a medical drama on a Sunday evening.
I have been raking leaves in the sunshine. There was some amazing fungi growing where I dumped the leaves. Week 2 of Kalie Graves art challenge they made perfect well behaved models. Green combined with texture made from cling film.
Mycobiota Watercolour 322/366 |
I thought it was Sunday today. My son corrected me when I asked if he was having a good Sunday!!! I have an extra day which is excellent.
Adriene took me through an hour long yoga session. Just over halfway through the battery died on my computer. I was very tempted to give up and go and have a coffee. I was so proud of myself. I folded some washing and put our knickers in the drawers. Long enough for Adriene to recharge. I went back into being a warrior and very pleased when we ended with a corpse pose.
I have been printing Christmas cards to send out to friends and family. Little Holt provided me with the space but it was damn chilly. With a bobble hat, thermal socks and a coat I was perfectly warm printing over 130 linoprints.
Today's postcard is for a very good friend who is going through a difficult time. She loves a Bombay Sapphire and tonic. Just what is needed when times are tough. It also ties in with Kalie Graves art challenge of shiny.
Gin for Recovery Watercolour 321/366 |
Tim and I planned to go out today. It is now gone 8pm and we didn't venture further than the bottom of the garden. The trees are busy dropping their leaves. We have three acres and over half of it is planted with trees. Many trees many leaves. The garden does look pretty with a carpet of yellow/orange foliage. Unfortunately it ruins the grass and makes the paths slippery. I hate falling over. We raked up five builders bags from the drive today. That's my cardio done for the day!
Week 2 Day 5 of Kalie Graves art challenge I have gone with texture. We have a maple tree in the garden that is stunning at the moment with its show of red leaves. I used a bristle brush for the texture of the leaves as taught to me by Graham Lock.
A Maple Tree for Good Luck and Prosperity Watercolour 320/366 |
Harriet was with us for coffee. I set her to work sticking prices on my greetings cards and winding wool. Last autumn I made myself a lovely chunky knit cardigan. It was enormous. The wool is lovely. I am unknitting it. I plan to get at least two jumpers and possibly a hat?!? I enjoy knitting and look forward to my project. I took Harriet into the dentist for a tooth removal. I was concerned she would be shocked as it was a big back one. The tooth was in much better condition than anticipated. I took her back to our house and set her to work again. I really miss her company from when she lived next door and we chatted over our morning coffee.
This evening I was with WOKAS at a guided pastel landscape demonstration by Judy Tippler. Not my media so I was feeling apprehensive. I went as I had the tea and coffee bag. It turned out to be one of those unexpected enjoyable evenings. We have a very friendly interesting group of artists that have built up over the past few years. Great fun.
Today's Connected Postcard is of Falmouth where we went in August. I liked the fields and the lonely sailing boat. A hesitant pastel. It is going under the vague remit of 'green' for Kalie Graves art challenge.
Mylor Churchtown, Falmouth Rembrandt Pastels 319/366 |
My bed and breakfast guests requested scrambled and poached eggs. Scrambled perfect. Poached was another matter. The water was too hot. I put the eggs in too slowly. The yolk and white departed company. Guess what Tim and I had for breakfast? I redeemed myself with the next ones that were well behaved and the guests were none the wiser.
Harriet kept me entertained while I was making beds with a video call. Thank you for keeping me company.
Today's Connected Postcard is a combination of Kalie Graves art challenge textile and Amy Maricle's slow drawing mindful session 'pincushion'. Inspiration came from a leggy chrysanthemum that has battled slugs, snails, wind and rain battling on to eventually flower.
Survived the Gastropods Pen and Watercolour 318/366 |
My Tescos delivery man had not qualms about delivering my groceries with me in my yoga kit. It's very old and tatty but soooo comfortable. We are now stocked up with delights for the week. Adriene took me through a very stretchy yoga sequence. She praised me for breathing!. I do hold my breath when concentrating so it was very useful to remind me to breath.
I have been working on a linocut for our Christmas card today. I have had a thoroughly enjoyable time in my studio with Radio 4, then Times Radio and finished with a murder mystery on an audio book. I have great anticipation that it will be delightful.
Today Kalie Graves has set those who are participating three new prompts for this week. We have green, shiny and textile. Day 8 is going to be green. On our walk with Tony and Wendy on Saturday we wandered through some beautiful countryside. I was taken with this view over Rye Foreign with its pink field. I have been twitching to paint it. That's my postcard for today.
![]() |
Fields of Green and Pink Watercolour 316/366 |
It has been charmingly quiet at The Holt today. I have made smoked mackerel pate from some bargain purchases we got in Jempsons yesterday. Jempsons is a bit like Marmite - you either love it or hate it. I am not totally in love but do enjoy a wander along their aisles as they have some intriguing bits and pieces. They had loads of Christmas stuff. I was tempted by a felt dragon to hang on our tree. I left it for someone else to enjoy. We also have a Bramley apple crumble. I threw in a few dried cherries. We have a massive bag of them bought for a pheasant recipe. Such a rebel. I think I need to get out more!!!
Today's postcard is of a camellia. Mum gave it to Tim years ago and it had been struggling as I planted it too close to an old hedge. The hedge was taken out a couple of years ago and it is now thriving. I thought it was an unusual prostrate form. I investigated it as I cut a sprig to paint. I think is has just grown horizontal due to hedge abuse. It's just a bog standard autumn flowering form.
Day 7 of Kalie Graves art challenge. I went for metal. I painted a very tiny tarnished silver vase that belonged to my Mum. She used to do the most exquisite cake decorating and won many prizes. This would have adorned a tiered cake with tiny icing flowers in it.
Tarnished Pen and Watercolour 315/366 |
I spent this morning in my studio painting greetings cards - robins, bluetits, wrens and long tailed tits. I did a bit of tidying up and came across a box. It contained the ring and necklace Mum was wearing when she died. My stomach and heart did that funny squeezy thing and I shed a few tears. I miss my Mum.
After two soft boiled eggs for lunch Tony and Wendy came and collected us. We drove to Peasmarsh. Armed with a couple of maps covered in many footpaths we headed off. Autumn has arrived. I was glad to be wearing my coat and scarf to keep the chill out. Tim and Wendy led the way across many fields with only a couple of wrong turns. Ten thousand steps later we were back where we started. It just so happened we were right next to the Water Works Taproom. It would have been misjudged not to pop in for a drink and Tony was very thirsty. It was buzzing with wooly hat clad people.
Day 6 of art challenge. Today’s painting could loosely go under the title of metal … there are metal barrels stacked against a wall!!!
Water Works Taproom Pen and Watercolour 314/366 |
It is just before 7pm and I am sitting typing with the woodburner for company. Tim has gone to the pub with Si and Nick. I have a white wine spritzer so I am not feeling left out of having a Friday night drink. We have found some firelights that are made from wax and wood. So much nicer than the stinky paraffin ones. I was dubious of their ability to light a fire as they are tiny and instructions are for just one. But they are excellent.
Tim and I met Harriet in Cranbrook. We had another look around The Cranbrook Art Show. You must go if you're in the area. It is open tomorrow 10-5pm. We went for coffee in Arthurs. It was full. Wendy's was packed but we found a table. It was so good to talk with Harriet about what they are up to. Very very happy. Very very busy. She is encouraging me to enter some work into The Royal Academy Summer Show - I will if she does. Great fun and exciting.
After leaving Harriet we drove to Merriments. I had read yesterday that they are closing and all the plants are half price. You know how Tim and I like a bargain. There were cars parked along the road, queuing to get into the carpark and a long line of people with plants and trolleys. We turned around and went to Waitrose where I topped up my tangerine supply.
Day 5 of art challenge I chose metaI. Tim’s coffee pot was perfect but damn difficult.
Coffee Pot and Mug Watercolour 313/366 |
I had a rescheduled date with Alli and Suzy. We met in Cranbrook and wandered around the Cranbrook Art Show. What a beautifully curated exhibition. I was very taken with the wire birds made by Beverley Drury. There was some abstract work. It is an art form that I find very difficult to make without it looking like a two year old did it. Semi abstract is something I would like to have a go at when I have finished my postcard project. After the show we went to Arthur's for a very long chatty lunch. Such a lovely few hours thank you Alli and Suzy.
For Day 4 of Kalie Graves art challenge the theme of fruit was an easy option. I have a bowl of tangerines sitting on the kitchen table in front of me. I teemed them up with my favourite spotty jug. Perfect partners.
Blue Jug and Tangerines Watercolour 312/366 |
Refurbishment of the windows continues at The Holt. I have been aiding Tim by putting the screws back in the hinges while he juggles with the windows. None have been broken yet. It is beginning to feel like the 'fourth bridge'. I am very fortunate to have a very jolly husband who is positive. I would be feeling defeated.
We had a delivery of cinnamon buns and tangerines and medicine for me from Lindsey this morning. All she wanted in return was a mug of tea. The exchange was biased towards Tim and I but the buns were delicious.
Tim and I went for a walk to post my Connected Postcards. We met Roger and spent a bit of time at Susan's grave together. So many memories. It was one of those incredibly misty afternoons where the cloud is so low it is dripping on you. A perfect subject for Day 3 of Kalie Graves challenge - 'grey'.
Benenden Village in Misty Grey Watercolour 311/366 |
For today's challenge from Kalie Graves I chose grey. I am continuing with my Connected Postcard project. For those who might not know about it every day in 2024 I am paining or printing a postcard and sending it the friends and family. I have had some lovely messages from recipients. Some have been sent on, some kept and some framed and put on walls.
I am working on a commission for a friend. It is in the final stages and occupying the desk in my studio. I always get slightly anxious as to how it will be received. I get around this by letting the commissioner decide if they like it or not. If they don't I keep it and don't ask for any payment. If they do I get to buy more tubes of paint.
I have had all my cleaning materials out today. Our double bed and breakfast room has beautifully painted windows - thank you to my husband for an excellent job. I needed to get the rest of the room just as sparkly. Now it is ready for friends to stay on Sunday.
Pumpkins in Watercolour 309/366 |
My mind is like a ping pong ball. It goes from one thought to another. Sometimes I don't know what is happening but as long it is happy I am happy.
I wandered into the kitchen with while my L'Oreal hair dye was cooking. Tim was making pasties. He made excess filling that he made into soup. I have been totally spoilt today. The soup was delicious for lunch and we had the pasties that had the best crispy pastry. I had an excellent husband.
We are watching The Resident - not a murder mystery but a medical drama. Tim is being very patient letting me watch the series. His choice next.
Today's postcard is of a fuchsia that we have in a tub on our drive. It is very old and has been with us ofr many year and been through freezing winters and steaming summers, being thrown out of its pot by reversing cars. It still comes back with beautiful ballerina flowers.
Ancient Fushia Pen and Watercolour 308/366 |
Today's postcard is of the foggy morning we had. Later it turned out to be a beautiful day. Mostly due to it being Herbie's 7th birthday. Wow how far that little chap has come in his seven years. I am so proud of him. We were lucky that it is half term so he could come and see us. Delighted that he chose to come to us on his birthday. We had a very happy few hours. I did a simple treasure hunt in the garden. The end was his presents with balloons on the trampoline. I cleared the trampoline of leaves and debris this morning. It's a strange feeling under your feet. Not sure why the children enjoy it quite so much. Harriet made an excellent birthday cake with a candle fountain much to Herb's delight. I do love a birthday. Happy happy birthday Herbie you are a little wonder.
Tonight we off out to Mike and Pippa's for dinner. Perfect to wind down after playing with the grandchildren.
Foggy Day Watercolour 306/366 |