Steve and Zoë left this morning They took a flask of tea for their four hour drive. Fergus and Lizzie are still with us. Tom is being pushed to his ski-ing limits by Fergus. There seem to be a few aches and pains around the dinner table this evening.
Myrtilles translate as blueberries. They don't seem to be the same fruit. The berries here seem to be a cross between blackcurrant and blueberries. One to ponder when eating a tart.
A game of Carcasonne revealed a new winner tonight. Well done Fergus. We have added rivers, abbotts and farms. It is getting confusing. I am sure I would have won if I understood the point system.
I was sorry to miss Hetty and Bella in their first dance show together today.
Weather Front over Le Molliet.
140lb Torchon Clairefontaine
Stunningly beautiful work Kate! ❤