
Sunday 15 September 2024

Sunday, 15th September 2024 - A Sunday Stroll

I woke up to the smell of croissant. After breakfast we wellied up and went out into another sunny day for a walk around Benenden with Jo and Elaine, Tom and Fable joined us. 

It could have been the last lunch we have in the garden. Tim had made soup which was accompanied by a variety of cheese, rolls and blueberry chilli jam. Oh and pickled onions that I had a craving for. 

Jo and Elaine have returned to London. It has been a lovely weekend. Having friends to stay is an excellent reason for exploring, entertaining and eating. 

I have been catapulted back into hosting bed and breakfast guests.

A Sunday Stroll 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday, 14th September 2024 - Garden at Lamb House

After drinking two mugs of tea and a coffee I was ready for the day. We took Jo and Elaine to Rye Harbour and walked thousands of steps around the nature reserve in the gently autumn sun. The cormorants were most entertaining. The Boson's Bite was the perfect place to stop for sandwiches. The seals weren't in the harbour today. Back in Rye town we visited Lamb House making the most of our National Trust cards. What a charming place. Elaine's exuberance has inspired me to read books by Henry James and E F Benson who both resided there. A hot chocolate at Knoops has been put on the to-do list for a future date as we ran out of time.

We got home to find apple juice from Malcolm and Margaret's apple trees which was perfect with ice, sparkling water and a slice of cherry and almond cake Tim had made.

This evening we went to The Woodcock with Lindsey for dinner. I had some very tasty lamb. It was buzzing with people. Back home the heating was needed for a boost of warmth while we sat drinking tea, whisky and triple sec. I am ready for my bed.

I did a sketch of the garden at Lamb house sitting on a bench in the afternoon sun. 

Garden at Lamb House 
Pen 258/366

Friday, 13th September 2024 - Sissinghurst

This morning I spent preparing tomato tarte tatin, fish chowder and bramley apple crumble for a dinner of 8 or 9. This afternoon we picked up Jo and Elaine from Staplehurst station and made the most of their National Trust membership by taking them to Sissinghurst Castle Gardens. After a wander around the garden we had a drink in The Three Chimneys which is the best pub for a dimming afternoon. We had very lovely evening with very lovely friends I am ready for bed.

Pen and Watercolur

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday, 12th September 2024 - Asters for Kindness and Love

I love having bnb guests and I love not having bnb guests. We have a break of a few days which is delightful. Friends are coming to stay. I can wander unhindered in my PJs in the morning which would be totally inappropriate for paying guests.

Tim and I went out with a shopping list. Three hours later and we returned with extra things in our basket and some missing.

Mike and Pippa met us at The Ewe and Lamb in Rolvenden. We celebrated Pippa and Herbie being signed off from their consultants. Amazing. I am so proud of you both.

There is a film playing in the background as I type. Tom is working on a bit of coding. Tim's eyes are heavy. I have no idea what is going on!!! I don't think it is a very riveting watch.

I like a list. I have one for our evening meal tomorrow with good friends. I have one for food preparation. I know I will be awake in the night wondering what I have missed.

Goodnight lovely people

Asters for Kindness and Love 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wednesday, 11th September 2024 - Evening Walk

Tim did some major pruning of many shrubs this morning. Lindsey popped round for a cup of tea. We sat on the bench watching Fable and Fritha playing. I handed her some leather gloves to fend off the shrubs spikes so she could help me tidy and clear Tim's cuttings. Thank you for helping out. It is a job that I rather detest. 

Tim cooked me one of my favourite meals tonight. Spinach and eggs baked in a white sauce. Just perfect for a Wednesday evening.

I am typing my blog drinking a G&T that I made earlier. Tom suggested I put in the fridge and could have it after we had been for an evening walk. I was hesitant about going as it was getting dark and my home seemed so cosy. I did go and had a thoroughly lovely time, chatted with a neighbour and listened to owls twit twooing.  My G&T tastes the better for it. Thank you Tom.

Evening Walk 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Tuesday, 10th September 2024 - Ready for the Chop

I tried ironing my bnb bedding with my push along iron. Tim said I should wait until my roller iron is mended next Tuesday. I rejected his idea. After 15 minutes of still wrinkled duvet covers I conceded defeat. I think I will hang fire until my roller iron is fixed!!! 

Harriet gave me some yellow courgettes. I chopped them up with tomatoes, red onion, red peppers, olives and anchovies and baked them. They were very delicious with salmon and jacket potatoes. Tom joined us. I love cooking for Tim and Tom after they have had a day of work. 

Ready for the Chop 
Pen and Watercolour

Monday 9 September 2024

Monday, 9th September 2024 - Satsumas in a Blue Bowl

Guests have gone. Our 88year old guest was full of life. Her advice was to keep busy and positive for a happy life. She was going home for a game of Whist and fish and chips. A fantastic philosophy.

I have someone coming to fix my Miele roller iron in a couple of weeks time.  I bought it 21 years. Will they fix it??? If not I might give up bed and breakfast. After a session of ironing today with board and iron I am not keen to keep that up.

I have been looking where to get my daffodil and tulip bulbs from for potting up this autumn. B&Q seem to be the best place. Anyone know anywhere better let me know.

We are watching a psychological film drama, called The Lost Daughter, with Olivia Coleman who seems to be able to morph into any character. It's weird and disturbing, I am not sure the best thing to be watching on a Monday evening. I cooked Carrot and Feta burgers for dinner. They sound odd but they were very delicious with taziki, burger buns I made in the bread maker, and salad and homemade chips. Tom and Fable left us after dinner as he had work to do and wasn't taken with our film choice. 

My tangerines in a blue bowl were the inspiration for today's postcard. I liked the colour combination.

Satsumas in a Blue Bowl 
pen and Watercolour253/366

Sunday 8 September 2024

Sunday, 8th September 2024 - Missing their Brother

Damn and damn again. My loved and cherished  Miele roller iron rolls but does not heat up any longer. It needs to have an urgent repair to its heating elements. It's going to take me ages ironing bedding with my push along iron. Damn again. A walk with Tim, Tom, Fable and his whistling frisbee made me feel a whole lot better.

Today's postcard is for Matt. He was unable to come to the wedding yesterday. We missed you on the naughty table - and yes, we were put in the corner! Your sisters looked beautiful.

Missing a Brother 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 7 September 2024

Saturday, 7th September 2024 - The hues of Dahlias

 My guests had scrambled and poached eggs and out the door ready for their day of touristing the sights.

Tim and I have spent a wonderful afternoon and evening celebrating Alex and Esther's wedding in Rotherfield. Tim knew the area but it was an enigma to me. I love exploring new places and it is less than an hour from our doorstep. It was a beautiful church wedding with a stunning bride and groom. The reception has caused many a headache for family and friends due to the venue being in a field that got sodden by the past few days torrential rain. Six tonnes of wood chippings and a couple of extra tents and we were none the wiser it all looked perfect to us. Congratulations to Alex and Esther. It was lovely being with good friends and catching up with those infrequent ones. We have plans for more adventures together.

Today's postcard is a reflection of the dahlias that Esther and Alex had grown for the wedding. They were stunning and not a slug or snail in sight.

The hues of dahlias 
Indian Ink and Watercolour

Friday 6 September 2024

Friday, 6th September 2024 - The Ivy Barn

I am typing after a varied day. I have a little glass of red wine that is perfect.

We had torrential rain, lightening and thunder as I was showering and getting dressed this morning. I was grateful that it abated on my drive to Wickhambreaux. Harriet drove Herbie and I to Dover Hospital. He was so so so very brave. Harriet was so so so very brave. I was so so so very proud. He has been signed off after his accident last December. Just fantastic and fabulous. Herbie went back into school for fish and chips - it's Friday. Harriet and I had a coffee in The Ivy Barn. It was buzzing. They do the best cheese scones with loads of butter.

Tim saw in our new bnb guests with tea and chocolate brownies. Lindsey dropped by with Fritha and had an non alcohol g&t. I had one with alcoholic gin It is always lovely to see her and we can burble about our wonderful grandchildren. We are blessed.

The day ended with Tom cooking us an amazing and delicious guinea fowl/pasta/red wine dish. We had some glasses of wine before he headed back to Little Holt to work. Thank you Tom. So wonderful to be cooked for.

The Ivy Barn 
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday 5 September 2024

Thursday, 5th September 2024 - Clarke Gate

I had a changeover to do this morning. Damn I missed out on two outings. One was painting outside but that was rained off. Another was coffee with Pippa, Linda and June. I didn't have the morning free to join them. I expect they missed me.

Fable and his whistling frisbee, Tim. Tom and I went for a walk this afternoon. The torrential rain had reduced to a drizzle. The view through a tunnel of trees is the subject of today's postcard. 

This evening we had pizza and drinks, I like the Kriek cherry beer, with Steve and Angie at a quiet McCanns. I found out lots of news about Benenden movements. I am off to bed to read my book.

Clarke Gate 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Wednesday, 4th September 2024 - Rose from Tom

I weeded around the pond until the rain and a need for dinner set in. I am loving having Tom and Fable here. It would be perfect if we could have Harriet and her family living here too. I am sure we could fit another couple of houses into our garden. I am so proud of our grandchildren who have started the new school year bravely with a few tears from the little one and nerves from the girls. Squeezes my heart.

We are watching Sherwood. We have seen it before. It is even better the second time around. Very gritty. just found out there is another series. Excellent.

Today's postcard is a painting of a rose that Tom gave me. It is a tiny pot rose that I will transfer into the garden.... but..... as I saw two deer jumping around our flower beds today and knowing their penchant for roses it may be short lived.  

Roses from Tom 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 - Grandma's Chairs

I left my guests with their scrambled eggs and Tim to keep their coffee topped up. Tom, Fable and I went for a walk this morning. We didn't meet another person on the whole walk.

I have been thinking of my grandchildren going back to school today. Big changes for them all. I send them loads of hugs and love and look forward to hearing from them and how they are getting on.

It was a lovely surprise to see a very old friend Sarah-Jane this afternoon. She left a book for the grandchildren to read. We had tea in the garden and caught up on news and a bit of gossip. I read somewhere that socialising is one of the best ways to keep an active mind. Mine must be full of beans now.

When I was little I remember sitting in my Grandparents garden in chairs that had a canopy. I always loved them. Fourteen years ago when Harriet was expecting Hetty I bought some so we could sit and rest in the garden shaded from the sun. They have had new covers and are one of my favourite places to read my book.  

Grandma's Chairs 
Pen and Watercolour

Monday 2 September 2024

Monday, 2nd September 2024 - Silver Birch for Love

Over tea, coffee, croissant and porridge we chatted about family and holidays with Dave and Josie who stayed last night. Tom and Fable joined us. I am looking forward to him staying with us.

I got the house and bnb room ready for guests who I wasn't sure would be turning up. Our last communication was in February. I made up a tea tray in preparation of their arrival and left it with Tim while I went to a WOKAS committee meeting in Tenterden. I had a great couple of hours discussing exhibition venues, get togethers and our open day. Our next meeting is a lunch in The Woolpack so we can check out their barn as an exhibition space. 

Today's postcard is of the silver birch trees in Clive's garden. They are a symbol of love. The person I am sending it to has had some tragic times. I admire her positive attitude and energy.

Silver Birch for Love 
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday, 1st September 2024 - Elizabeth's Grapes

It has been been a delightful day, a little hot and sticky in places. We held a family get together in the garden. So many came including the three 20ish year olds, some very active little ones and a couple of lively not so little ones, aunties, uncles, mothers, fathers, nieces, nephews, grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. Alice had run a marathon that morning. The Evans had been climbing. Others had driven many many miles. I was very touched that we all got together. We ate and drank and chatted under umbrellas. I have found that I quite like table tennis.

Thank you to everyone who sent kind messages about our cat, Morris. She died this afternoon. It will be very odd not to have her around. Harriet worked out she was 22 years and 4 months old. And no, I don't want a kitten.

Elizabeth's Grapes 
Pen and Watercolour