
Wednesday 22 May 2024

Wednesday, 22nd May 2024 - Pond Iris

I am off the support the Weald of Kent Morris dancing and possibly singing at The Eight Bells. Hopefully it will be a charming evening and the rain will stop. I might just have support them dancing from inside the pub with a glass of wine.

I am now returned from a charming evening. Suzy, Lindsey, Fritha and I watched the dancing protected from the elements inside the pub. Michael's voice was as gorgeous as ever. Alan took me back to my childhood singing Clementine. Suzy's song was very beautiful. Tim's singing was a little stertorous which I blame on Clive interrupting him. Steve transported me to Paris. I will dream of song and music tonight.

Our square pond (the other one is oval) is covered in white lilies and so pretty. I took my Indian Ink into the garden and sat to draw them. Perfect for today's postcard.

Pond Iris 
Indian Ink and Watercolour

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