
Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunday, 19th May 2024 - Decapitated Aquilegia

Tim and I had a morning stroll through the garden with our mugs of coffee. The rabbits had been busy decapitating the aquilegia flowers. They didn't even eat them. Just chewed them off and left them. So annoying. I recovered a very pretty pink one and put it in a vase on the kitchen table. It would have looked better blooming in the garden. 

I have cut mounts and framed four linocuts for the upcoming Weald of Kent Art Society exhibition. They are called a Band of Jackdaws,  Dawn Chorus, Your Plaice or Mine and Perch (this one makes me smile it such a funny looking fish). So pleased they are done and happy with the result.

I spent the afternoon wandering up and down the garden with the wheelbarrow emptying out pots of old plants and filling them again with the plants we got yesterday. Now I need to keep the slugs, snails and rabbits off them.

Decapitated Aquilegia 
Pen and Watercolour

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