
Saturday 18 May 2024

Saturday, 18th May 2024 - Wisteria for Adventures

It's good to be back home and wake up to the sound of the birds. We are still on Istanbul time and two hours ahead. Tim was awake at 5am. I managed to sleep on.

I did some yoga. Oh my goodness I am soooo stiff. I was amused that I was doing Turkish get ups. It was very inelegant. I will try again tomorrow and try and smooth out my moves. We did loads of walking in Istanbul but I did feel so much better for stretching my very stiff body. 

I have printed my linocuts for the WOKAS exhibition next week. Tescos delivered the wine and beer for the Preview on Sunday. 7.30-9pm at St Mildred's Church if you fancy a night of culture.

Tim and I dropped into my sister's after a very successful trip to get £29 of bedding plants which included ready planted hanging baskets. Thank you for the Bombay Sapphire gin and tonic with ice and lemon - my favourite. Today's postcard is inspired by the most stunning wisteria Lindsey has growing over an arch. If only you could smell it?

Wisteria for Adventures 

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