
Monday 27 May 2024

Monday, 27th May 2024 -

Whilst having my shower this morning Tim did a fine job of clearing the kitchen from the bags and bottles from last nights preview. How lovely to be able to walk across the kitchen floor again.My bnb guests are delightful needing very easy breakfasts. I have had a good morning.

This afternoon I was stewarding at the WOKAS exhibition. It was buzzing with visitors. It's on all week with lots of lovely paintings and sculptures to admire and buy. Pop in if you are passing. I am back in Tenterden Wednesday afternoon. Bring me a flat white and a bun.

There is a beautiful view fields and trees with clouds of cow parsley. Today's postcard is my artistic interpretation of that beautiful view. What a beautiful part of the world we live in. 

Summer Fields 
Indian Ink and Watercolour

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