
Tuesday 14 May 2024

Tuesday, 14th May 2024 - Flower Seller in Kadikoy

I am so tired that my eyes are having troubling focusing. What an amazing day we have had.

Last night I slept deeply with the loudspeakers from the local minaret only creeping into my sleep.

Tim planned today. We were off to Kadikoy on the ferry with our newly purchased Istanbul card that gets you onto the ferry, metro and into the toilets!!! I had done no research and thought we were visiting a small island. Nope, it is the very very busy bustling Asian side of Istanbul. We walked from our apartment down and down and down and through and up. We stumbled across an art gallery. Blimey what a contrast to Musee D'Orsay that we were in a few weeks ago. No queues. It was free. Wonderfully quiet. OK the paintings weren't Monet or Van Gogh but there were many beautiful beautiful paintings and drawings.  We stopped at a fish market for lunch. I had deep fried sardines with lemon and half an onion - I didn't know quite what to do with my raw onion. The market had stalls of sardines that were alive in buckets. Best not to think about that too deeply about the lunch I had just eaten. We wandered along the Golden Horn to get out ferry. On arrival in Kadikoy we plugged in our ear buds and followed an audio walking guide. Very interesting and I only wish I could remember half of it. We got the ferry back from Kadikoy to Karakoy - confused? I was and would have been totally lost if Tim wasn't holding my hand across ridiculously busy roads. A metro gave my feet a rest and we gathered olives, bread, cheese, beer and wine to eat while watching the sun set on our roof terrace. 

Any tips on what to see and do in Istanbul very welcome.

My postcard today is of a charming flower seller. She looked very happy making her bunches of flowers.

Flower Seller in Kadikoy 
Pen and Watercolour

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