
Saturday 25 May 2024

Saturday, 25th May 2024 - Buttercup Fields

Wendy walked me around her garden which is looking stunning. I love the pale pink foxgloves. They are also having a battle with box moth that we have had, asparagus beetle that we haven't got but they don't have walnut tree beetle. Oh the battle of the insects is interminable. Tony and Wendy took us on a walk across fields and through woodland from Dingleden to Rolvenden. We arrived at The Star thirsty. I had a cider that reminded me of the lollies I had as a child. Leaving the pub I had great intentions of painting greetings cards for tomorrows exhibition. Our bnb guest greeted us with a bottle of wine. We sat in the garden that was still exuding warmth drinking wine while Pippa told more about the book she is writing about her grandmother that built our house.. Then she joined us for leek and potato soup finishing with chocolate brownie and ice-cream. I am not going to get any card paining done as the wine has interrupted my evening.

Buttercup Fields 

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