
Monday 20 May 2024

Monday, 20th May 2024 - Daisies for a 60th Birthday

It feels very late as I type. Then a glance at the clock and it's only 9.30pm! I must still be on Turkey time.

I have returned to list writing. I love the satisfaction of crossing off the 'done' with a ink pen. 

After my shower my fringe was very long. I gave my it a little trim. Now I have a permanent surprised look as you can see my eyebrows!!!

I had my annual trip to the dentist. It is the hygienist who terrifies me. I don't like my gums being in pain. I was ready to walk out if it was the barbaric one I had previously. I anticipation I dug my finger nails into my palms. She was the gentlest one I have ever had. What a relief. 

For dinner we had asparagus from Frogs Farm. Tim asked if Lottie would be there. No, I said she was in Scotland. She was yesterday. Lottie must have made a speedy drive back as she served us with the a fine bunch of spears that we had roasted with rock salt and olive oil.

It is a friends 60th birthday today. Happy birthday. Daisies are the flower for May and new beginnings. She had a new grandchild on the way. I have made a lino print for her.

Daisies for a 60th Birthday 

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