
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - Waiting for the Bride

We are home from Cravant. It was a long long drive. I much appreciate all the driving Tim did. The cat is still alive and the garden is blooming with flowers and a few weedy bits around the edges. Carol and John have done a mighty fine job keeping everything alive.

Today's postcard is a retrospective of the wedding on Saturday. The sun was shining while we waited for Nadine, the bride to arrive. Cones of confetti and ribbons with bells were handed out to jingle and throw after the ceremony. Mike, Les and their two daughters Natty and Sophie are ready and waiting. They have a son Tom who I didn't manage to capture. The youth are so speedy.

Waiting for the Bride 
Pen and Watercolour

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kate for this lovely card - J'adore! Tommy is asking if he is adopted :). Love your project - its inspiring and you are very talented.
