
Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday, 2nd June 2024 - Father of the Bride

 I am typing my blog listening to Tom and Tim ...talking technology... a foreign language to me!!!

I had a medium late start to the day. Tim had an early start and was up and about way before my eyelids had opened. Tom put in a later appearance but considering his wobbly arrival back at the chalet last night he looked good.

We wandered over to Steve and Zoe's. Take down of the wedding was in full throes. I helped a little bit. Tim and Tom with their height and ability were put to better use. 

It has been great to spend some time chatting with friends some that Tom and Harriet worked with 20 years ago. Steve's mum and her twin sister are here. They are 90 years old later this month. They meet twice a week and go to an exercise class, WI and more. I am in awe of them. They were both dancing at the wedding last night. What an inspiration. Keep going.... Lindsey this will be us!!!

Today's postcard is of Nadine's dad giving a wonderful father of the bride speech in english and german.

Father of the Bride 
Pen and Watercolour

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