
Friday 7 June 2024

Friday, 7th June 2024 - Waiting for Wendy

Wendy's dog, Rory, was left in my care for a couple of hours this morning. He was very well behaved - apart from sitting on the sofa! There was a very bouncy reunion.

Sarah came and collected me and took me to The Wealden Times Fair. We did have fun at the fair wondering why there were so many stands selling Indian style dresses. We were looking for linen. I did buy myself a charming blouse that has buttons front and back so well worth the price! I just hope I put it on the right way round.

Tim and I met Si, his cousin, Nick and Alli for a couple of early evening drinks at The Halfway house. The foxes have been feeding their cubs with their chickens. Good thing we turned our fence back on. There's a new fish and chip shop opened in Sissinghurst. We thought it needed testing. I had cod, Tim had rock, we both had chips. It was good but not fantastic. A good way to end the week

Waiting for Wendy 
Pen and Watercolour


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