
Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday, 18th June 2024 - Puppy Love

I was listening to a psychologist on the radio and then chatting with my daughter about social media.  I have removed myself from Instagram as it was becoming addictive taking time I could be spending time and listening to family and friends.

Thank you to my sister for accompanying me to the garden and pet centre today. We had a great time. I was feeling in need of a sister's understanding love and attention. I had a chat with Harriet who always boosts my mood. Tom phoned me while I was weeding - I am very cared for. Tim called me as I was charring my steak - I am very loved. I am watching Spring Watch - it is rather traumatic and fascinating.

A few days ago I met the most adorable puppies. Today's postcard was a difficult one to paint as they cuddled up together. 

Puppy Love 
Pen and Watercolour


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