
Saturday 1 June 2024

Friday, 31st May 2024 - Cravant

We have left Morris, the chickens, the plants and the house in the safe hands of our neighbours. Tom accompanied us for an earlish crossing via the Eurotunnel.

It was a long long long drive through sun and rain and rain and sun. We are now in Cravant and settled into our very shabby but comfortable cabin. I love a hypermarket. We stopped for bread, cheese, salads (love the grated carrot, remoulade and the couscous), ancient tomatoes that are little works of art. It made the most delicious supper watching a double rainbow above our chalet. 

As I type the boys are in bed. Tim is shattered from driving for many hours. Tom knackered from only a few hours sleep. We had tested a couple of bottle of sparkling wines and beer. Tom taught me how to play a new card game. I can't tell you the name as it is rude but it was great and better for the fact that I won the last game. We are here to celebrate the wedding of our friends son Fergus. How can that be? It only seems yesterday that our children were minding him and his sister. 

Today's postcard is of the river that Tom and I had an early evening wander by. So very pretty.

Cravant aux deux rivieres

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