
Sunday 30 June 2024

Saturday, 30th June 2024 - A Pyramid of Sweetpeas

I have been laid up in bed for the last couple of days. It started with a sore throat and then a blinding headache. Tim had to take over breakfast duties for guests. Today I woke up as perky as anything. 

It seems months ago that I was wobbling on top of a ladder preparing cane pyramids for sweetpeas. They are now delighting me daily with their flowers. Well worth the wait.

My studio is calling me. I haven't had the time to work in there lately. I read a quote from Steven Bartlett posted on Instagram "In six month, you will have six months of excuses or six months of progress. The choice is yours." Made me think.

A Pyramid of Sweetpeas 
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday 27 June 2024

Thursday, 27th June 2024 - Buttercup Harvesting

I had a lovely time seeing my grand niece today. I haven't seen her for nearly a year. She gave me some uncertain looks. I love the way that toddlers work out who you are and have such expressive faces. She is a total delight. She was wandering around the lawn picking buttercups. It was a very serious business. I don't think she was that sure about me but hopefully we can get to know each other better and be good buddies. 

It was a quick turnaround back home - I grated some carrot and sliced some tomatoes for dinner to have with our before heading out to The Lord Raglan for a glass of rose and postering next Wednesday's Morris dancing extravaganza. We dropped by the supermarket. I fancied a foccacia to go with our salad. They were a bit on the tough side. We opted for a bombay potato boule that was very delicious warmed up in the oven. Who knew there was such a thing?

I am looking forward to a cooler night under my duvet as the heat has subsided.

Buttercup Harvesting 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday, 26th June 2024 - Deep in Discussion

Brett was in Tenterden this morning pricing a job. Harriet came and had coffee with me which was a huge treat. We chatted about life and family and children and more while pruning a rambling rose. I do miss our coffee on the step times we had when they lived next door. Taking the positive that they are not that far away now.

It was a Morris evening at The Rose and Crown in Beckley. It was a humid evening but I managed to cool it with cold white wine. I am not sure what Steve and Malcolm were discussing but it made a good postcard for today.

Deep in Discussion 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Tuesday, 25th June 2024 - John's Lollo Rosso

It's been a bit on the steamy side in Benenden today.

I have just got home from a book group meeting. We went to our usual venue of The Halfway House. It was a white wine spritzer sort of day. I had fish and chips without the chips. There is something about a crispy batter than cannot be bettered. We didn't discuss the book much. On arrival I asked to be reminded of the book we had read. I was confused by Alli's reply. One of us had read the wrong book!?! I am not admitting to whom it was. We found it wasn't much of a struggle to find alternative things to discuss.

Tim had an abundance of lettuce from John to eat for his evening meal.

I was putting the recycling out but will have to finish it in daylight as I got spooked by a weird sounding animal squeaking in the garden. My torch shone no light upon it. Not sure what it could be. Possibly a badger.

John's Lollo Rosso 

Monday 24 June 2024

Monday, 24th June 2024 - Birthday Dalmatie Fig

Happy birthday to my sister. When we were out last week delving about amongst the trees in a nursery Lindsey happened upon a Mirabelle tree. We both agreed £70 was far too much. Continuing on our rummage Lindsey discovered a Dalmatie Fig tree. She was delighted as she had happened upon them on a Croatian holiday. Apparently the fruit are exquisite. It became an early birthday present. It definitely needed some tender loving care and a bigger pot. I look forward to trying one.

This afternoon I was at a WOKAS committee meeting. I was reminded of the Vicar of Dibley parish council meetings. Quite an eccentric bunch. I came home with a couple of bags of lettuce, pink, red, flat and frilly from John who has grown a bumper crop. It made a lovely salad to accompany a beany chilli. Another Michael Mosley recipe.

Birthday Dalmatie Fig 
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday, 23rd June 2024 - First Sweetpeas

I got my bnb rooms turned around and was feeling dead on my feet. Then ... my daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren arrived. They are a breath of fresh air. I was sitting with my 10 and 12 year old granddaughters in the sun on our swing seat taking selfies. I have not laughed so much in ages. How lucky am I that they still want to spend time with their grandmother. After fish fingers and grandad's homemade chips Herbie was engrossed in out hose system. It is complicated and it took me a tutorial from Tim to fathom it. Herbie got it sorted and working with trial and error. Clever lad. 

Tim and I are watching Bodkin. Loving it.

First Sweetpeas 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 22 June 2024

Saturday, 22nd June 2024 - Proud New Home

We have coffee and croissant with Mel and Tim's nephew, Mark. They have recently moved into a new home together. It is lovely to see them so happy and making a wonderful life together. They are in a new group of houses in Cranbrook. The design and build have won awards. Seeing the mix of houses and styles all higgledy piggledy in size, shape and colour I can see why.

I had noticed a damp patch on the kitchen floor behind the bin a few days ago . I guessed it was from a spillage. I dried it up but it was back this afternoon and in exuberance. After investigations that ensued cupboards being emptied, kick boards being removed and the retrieval of a long lost spatula, Tim located a dishwasher waste pipe that had come undone. Thank goodness for a husband with a drawer full of plumbing components to fix it. 

Proud New Home 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 21 June 2024

Friday, 21st June 2024 - Fields of Corn

My friend Sarah send me a photo of her flowering sweetpeas. Mine are still holding back. She is such a show off!.

All my bed and breakfast guests are from South Africa. What a coincidence and they knew each other. It made for an easy breakfast service as they entertained themselves over scrambled eggs. 

We planned a quick walk with Tony and Wendy this afternoon. It turned out to be two hours rambling around Northiam. The weather was perfect. A bit sunny with a warm breeze to cool our sweaty bits. Tony had fizzy jelly fish in his pocket that kept our energy levels up. We did a round trip starting and ending at The Rose & Crown in Beckley.  We refreshed with drinks and restocked our calories with chips. It's the longest day of the year today - it certainly feels like it after that walk.

Fields of Corn 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Thursday, 20th June 2024 - Teise and Coffee

Yes, I am back on Instagram. I told Tim I was taking a break. He looked at me as though my head had dropped off. Why, when so many people are enjoying and following my postcard project? It was me spending so much time scrolling. I can take control of that. So back to Instagram it is. Hello again.

 I was very pleased with a bargain purchase of a half price cream linen blouse. I washed and ironed it. Today it was ready to wear. After my shower I started to button it up only to realise it was not for the fairer sex!!! Any male family member wanting a very charming 'shirt'. 

I have battled with a tangled flower bed. I took out buckets and buckets of weeds. It was interspersed with a very kind and thoughtful friend meeting me for tea and cheese scones. She Knew I was feeling a bit out of sorts and put me back together. Thank you.

I made another Michael Mosley recipe this evening. It would have been very healthy if I had not accompanied it with a glass or two of wine.

Teise and Coffee 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday, 19th June 2024 - Phlox Creme Brulee

I saw this phlox last summer at Water Lane. I have grown a few from seed and kept them in pots in the greenhouse where they have gone leggy but still pretty.

Tim was home briefly and now out at with the Morris. I felt unsociable so stayed home. Tim went to Uncle Dave's funeral. He was the carpenter who built our house extension over 20 years. I always remember him saying that there would be no laughing joints in his woodwork. What a wonderful man. Goodbye Uncle Dave.

Phlox Creme Brulee 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday, 18th June 2024 - Puppy Love

I was listening to a psychologist on the radio and then chatting with my daughter about social media.  I have removed myself from Instagram as it was becoming addictive taking time I could be spending time and listening to family and friends.

Thank you to my sister for accompanying me to the garden and pet centre today. We had a great time. I was feeling in need of a sister's understanding love and attention. I had a chat with Harriet who always boosts my mood. Tom phoned me while I was weeding - I am very cared for. Tim called me as I was charring my steak - I am very loved. I am watching Spring Watch - it is rather traumatic and fascinating.

A few days ago I met the most adorable puppies. Today's postcard was a difficult one to paint as they cuddled up together. 

Puppy Love 
Pen and Watercolour


Monday 17 June 2024

Monday. 17th June 2024 - Summer Refresh

We walked into the village. The verges have not been cut and the stinging nettles have become rampant. Stepping out of the way of cars was a cautious experience. We posted parcel returns and postcards. On a  wander up to Susan's grave we repotted the hyacinths with geraniums. I find it a thoughtful place to be with all those who have passed. The graves looked happy surrounded by wild grasses and flowers. We dropped into The Bull for a beer and soda and lime. 

I cooked a Michael Mosley recipe for dinner. I loved his 'Just One Thing'. What a sad loss.

Summer Refresh 
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday, 16th June 2024 - NGS No 99 High Street, Tenterden

The National Garden Scheme is a great way to nose into other peoples gardens. I have always wanted to sneak a peek into the gardens on Tenterden High Street. Today two were open. Perfect way to spend an hour or so. What stunning gardens packed with plants. There is a rose I saw at Water Lane and admired. There was one blooming today. I now know it is called Hot Chocolate. I will be searching it out to plant in our garden for the green fly and black spot. How do you keep these at bay? My reason for looking at the NGS catalogue was to see if Charlotte Molesworth at Balmoral Cottage in Benenden had her garden open today. It wasn't so we visited the fabulous gardens in Tenterden. But guess who was sitting on a bench? Charlotte and Don!  What a lovely surprise. I got some great advice on box moth.

This evening we were watching a film. It turned out to be rather rubbish. My main complaint, apart from the weak and boring plot, was the wrinkly cast of men compared to the young beautiful women. What is that all about? And would they really be wearing low cut silky tops while hunting down the baddies? Rant over.

NGS No 99 High Street, Tenterden 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 15 June 2024

Saturday, 15th June 2024 - Compact Benenden Fete

The Morris dancing at Benenden fete was cancelled due to high winds and rain being forecast. Tim and I wandered along this afternoon. It had been compacted but was still a jolly couple of hours eating ice-cream and drinking Benenden Bacchus.

Yesterday I made chickpea and aubergine curry with a pea and potato one. Tonight I supplemented it with a pressure cooked pheasant curry. I had a go at making naan bread. I started mid morning with kneading, proving and rising. I had an idea that our electric pizza oven would make a good cooking tool. I plugged it in and waited for it to heat up. Being curious I lifted the lid to see if it looked hot. Damn it!!! How was I to know that Tim stored pizza blades inside. They would have been fine if they hadn't had plastic handles. I now have a metal and plastic sculpture. The naan breads turned out puffy and not tasting of plastic.

Compact Benenden Fete 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 14 June 2024

Friday, 14th June 2024 - A Swathe of Foxgloves

I have had a day catching up with 'stuff'. The rain forecast did not materialise. I took advantage of the finer weather and did more weeding.

I had a couple of charming glasses of rose wine with June and Barry at a buzzing Ewe and Lamb. They have been to Giverny. I had a brief moment of jealousy as it is somewhere I wish to visit.  I am a huge fan of Monet. Have you looked up his painting of the turkeys yet? 

It has been a good year for foxgloves. They have crept into every corner, nook and cranny of the garden. The sound of a bumble bee feasting on the nectar inside a flower always lifts might spirits.

A Swathe of Foxgloves  

Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday, 13th June 2024 - Mondrian an Influencer

I have had a charming and delightful day with Harriet, then Brett, followed by Raffy, Herbie and finally Hetty. It was lovely to chat with my daughter catching up on family and friends affairs. We went to Chimera the climbing centre. Watching Hetty and Raffy climbing was a joy. Wow they are strong and mobile. They make it looked easy. It's not. Other climbers were struggling to scale the walls that they skimmed up and across. Makes me very proud. I am not tempted to try.

Today's postcard has a double influence. The amazing Mondrian and another abstract artist who uses marbles rolled in indian ink to make random patterns. I have combined the two.

Mondrian and Influencer 
Indian Ink and Watercolour

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday, 12th June 2024 - Pete and Mick

 I now have a few days off from bnb-ing. I would have had all my laundry up to date if the belt in the tumble drier hadn't decided to go 'ping'. Tim's on a quest to mend it himself which he will achieve but probably not immediately.

I had the most delicious lunch at Water Lane with Alli and Suzy. The food there is fabulous and so very different to anything I would or could cook at home. The herbs were to star of the meal for me. It was a real treat as it's a tad expensive.

I came home and tackled a very weedy flower bed before heading to The Milkhouse where the Morris entertained me and an audience. Lindsey came with Fritha. Thank you for my rose wine and crisps. It was lovely to see her and appreciate that she was there after a busy day and probably would have preferred to have been curled up on the sofa at home. 

Today's postcard is a sketch I did in the pub of Pete and Mick who are the best of friends.

Pete and Mick 

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tuesday, 11th June 2024 - Cornus kousa

 I have another story for you...

Many years ago, when both my mum and dad were alive, ( I miss them very much) I went on a coach trip with them to Wisley. I saw the most amazing tree in flower with huge creamy blooms. It was a Cornus kousa. I did some research back home and found it was a very very expensive tree to buy but you could buy seeds. Over thirty years ago I bought a packet of seeds. Five germinated. These tiny plants came with me to our new home in Benenden. Four died. Only one survived and now it is a glorious tree in our garden. This year it is covered in huge blooms. It has become a bit of a monument to my parents. 

Cornus kousa 
Pen and watercolour

Monday 10 June 2024

Monday, 10th June 2024 - Missing Hen

The weather has been wet and windy giving me a perfect day. I had a pile of ironing - mostly my newly acquired linen shirts, and a couple of Tim's. Then onto to ironing bed linen. I feel very satisfied that I have come to the bottom of my ironing pile.

I feel sad about Michael Mosley. Only a couple of days ago I made a recipe from one of his cookery books.

As I type Tom is sitting with me. He has returned from Amsterdam and is keen to move there. My heart feels torn. I would like him closer to home. But maybe he would find happiness in Holland. So for now we can drink wine together and enjoy each others company.

Missing Hen
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday, 9th June 2024 - Jasper Teapot

 The weather today has been perfect for me. Warm enough to not wear a jumper in the sun. But cool enough to snuggle under a duvet at night. It's been a bits and pieces day.

Are you ready for a story? "A while ago my son-in-law did some work on a beautiful old house. He has a talent for old timbers. The house was featured in a newspaper article mentioning Evans Conservation. A couple of friends new 'the lady of the house'. Mrs Trufflepig who is big on Instagram. So I started following her. Her husband buys on sells charming antique delights. I saw this tiny but perfect teapot. It now has pride of place on my dresser."

Jasper Teapot  
Indian Ink and Watercolour

Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday, 8th June 2024 - 15,000 Steps Round Trip to McCanns

The washing machine has been in constant use today having towels and bedding from two rooms to wash. I am very fond of my white goods.

Tim had a map for a walk. Tony and Wendy joined us. We started from McCanns brewery. Discussion took place as to short or long walk. We decided on the long one. I looked up a 5 mile walk and told it would take 1 hour and 40 minutes. Over two hours into our walk through many many pretty meadows we arrived in Biddenden. After refreshments at The Red Lion we continued for just under another hour returning to where we started. I had my favourite cherry beer. The pizza we shared was just what we needed.

15,000 Steps Round Trip to McCanns 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 7 June 2024

Friday, 7th June 2024 - Waiting for Wendy

Wendy's dog, Rory, was left in my care for a couple of hours this morning. He was very well behaved - apart from sitting on the sofa! There was a very bouncy reunion.

Sarah came and collected me and took me to The Wealden Times Fair. We did have fun at the fair wondering why there were so many stands selling Indian style dresses. We were looking for linen. I did buy myself a charming blouse that has buttons front and back so well worth the price! I just hope I put it on the right way round.

Tim and I met Si, his cousin, Nick and Alli for a couple of early evening drinks at The Halfway house. The foxes have been feeding their cubs with their chickens. Good thing we turned our fence back on. There's a new fish and chip shop opened in Sissinghurst. We thought it needed testing. I had cod, Tim had rock, we both had chips. It was good but not fantastic. A good way to end the week

Waiting for Wendy 
Pen and Watercolour


Thursday 6 June 2024

Thursday, 6th June 2024 - White Poppy for Peace and Remembrance

After work stuff I did some weeding. I am listening to a series of murder mysteries by Joy Ellis on my library app. They are great and she is a prolific writer so I have hundreds of hours of books to entertain me.

Harriet and Brett passed by. It was lovely to see them and hear all their news. I hope things go smoothly so they can soon have some time to relax and play.

I wanted to paint a postcard in remembrance of D-Day landings 80 years ago. What an emotional day. I have a stunning white poppy in the garden which was an apt subject for today.

White Poppy for Peace and Remembrance
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Wednesday, 5th June 2024 - Grandmother's Teapot

It was back to work for me today. The rooms smell charming with the scent of vases full of tiny white roses. Harriet planted this rose on a fence years ago and it flowers multiple times during the summer. I miss her not living next door and sitting on the back door step chatting with coffee. I have lovely guests who have been many times before. They have a stand at The Wealden Time Fair at Hole Park. I am hoping for a free ticket.

I have Thai Massaman curry kit. Harriet gave me for my birthday. I used it tonight adding prawns. It was a very easy dinner and delicious. Great gift for a busy day. Thank you

Clearing out Tim's Mum house - which is very sad - he couldn't resist bringing home the huge brown teapot plus knitted cosy that had been used on many many family occasions. It now has pride of place ??? We need to find a charming spot now in our home for it.

Grandmother's Teapot 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - Waiting for the Bride

We are home from Cravant. It was a long long drive. I much appreciate all the driving Tim did. The cat is still alive and the garden is blooming with flowers and a few weedy bits around the edges. Carol and John have done a mighty fine job keeping everything alive.

Today's postcard is a retrospective of the wedding on Saturday. The sun was shining while we waited for Nadine, the bride to arrive. Cones of confetti and ribbons with bells were handed out to jingle and throw after the ceremony. Mike, Les and their two daughters Natty and Sophie are ready and waiting. They have a son Tom who I didn't manage to capture. The youth are so speedy.

Waiting for the Bride 
Pen and Watercolour

Monday 3 June 2024

Monday, 3rd June 2024 - The Marquee gets Dismantled

Tim and I wandered into the village to get croissant for breakfast. It's Monday all the village shops are shut. We popped into Steve and Zoe's just in time to help with the taking down of the marquee. I was rewarded with coffee and croissant.

Tom joined us and we ventured out to two hypermarkets for delights to take home. Noyes had been recommended for a visit. We stopped and had lunch by the river and roamed the village. It was sooo pretty with load of wonky buildings, old castle walls and the scent of roses. Almost disneyesque but better.

Briefly back to the chalet before back to Steve and Zoe's for a BBQ in the sun with friends and family watching the swifts and bats. I just adore Steve's mum and her twin sister. They have such interesting life stories to tell. We chatted about the war and Morrisons shelters and being evacuated to Wales. Just amazing. 

Today's postcard is of Tim, Zoe, Lizzie, Fergus and Steve manhandling the marquee cover back into its bag. I will be sad to leave.

The Marquee get Dismantled 
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday, 2nd June 2024 - Father of the Bride

 I am typing my blog listening to Tom and Tim ...talking technology... a foreign language to me!!!

I had a medium late start to the day. Tim had an early start and was up and about way before my eyelids had opened. Tom put in a later appearance but considering his wobbly arrival back at the chalet last night he looked good.

We wandered over to Steve and Zoe's. Take down of the wedding was in full throes. I helped a little bit. Tim and Tom with their height and ability were put to better use. 

It has been great to spend some time chatting with friends some that Tom and Harriet worked with 20 years ago. Steve's mum and her twin sister are here. They are 90 years old later this month. They meet twice a week and go to an exercise class, WI and more. I am in awe of them. They were both dancing at the wedding last night. What an inspiration. Keep going.... Lindsey this will be us!!!

Today's postcard is of Nadine's dad giving a wonderful father of the bride speech in english and german.

Father of the Bride 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday, 1st June 2024 - Boulangerie for Croissant

Tim and I have returned from celebrating Fergus and Nadine getting married. We have left Tom partying. Someone will have a sore head tomorrow!

This morning we wandered along to the boulangerie for breakfast croissant. On the return walk to our chalet Tim and Tom dragged me into a bar with a very chatty barman. I had a thick black coffee with sugar that powered me through the morning. The croissant with apricot jam were the delicious. 

Looking gorgeous in our wedding outfits we walked through the village to Steve and Zoe's house. Wow they had transformed it into the most beautiful wedding venue. Flowers and paper lanterns adorned the walls and trees. We had cocktails and canapes in the sun. Yep, the sun shone. Apparently due to a sausage being buried in the ground the night before?!? I love a wedding. The people, the clothes, the speeches, the food and wine and dancing. I love it all. It was beautiful. And it only rained on our walk back.

Boulangerie for croissant 
Pen and watercolour

Friday, 31st May 2024 - Cravant

We have left Morris, the chickens, the plants and the house in the safe hands of our neighbours. Tom accompanied us for an earlish crossing via the Eurotunnel.

It was a long long long drive through sun and rain and rain and sun. We are now in Cravant and settled into our very shabby but comfortable cabin. I love a hypermarket. We stopped for bread, cheese, salads (love the grated carrot, remoulade and the couscous), ancient tomatoes that are little works of art. It made the most delicious supper watching a double rainbow above our chalet. 

As I type the boys are in bed. Tim is shattered from driving for many hours. Tom knackered from only a few hours sleep. We had tested a couple of bottle of sparkling wines and beer. Tom taught me how to play a new card game. I can't tell you the name as it is rude but it was great and better for the fact that I won the last game. We are here to celebrate the wedding of our friends son Fergus. How can that be? It only seems yesterday that our children were minding him and his sister. 

Today's postcard is of the river that Tom and I had an early evening wander by. So very pretty.

Cravant aux deux rivieres