
Saturday 31 August 2024

Saturday, 31st August 2024 - Tarte cremeuse a la noix de coco

My bnb guest requested hot chocolate. I had to look up how to make it. A happy guest.

Tim and I have been gardening and cooking. The bread roll dough is rising. Bramley apples have been made into Eve's pudding. When we were in France we stopped in Duras and had a delicious dessert made with coconut. Tim hunted down the recipe. I made three ready for our family lunch tomorrow.

I think it maybe the last night for our 21 year old cat Morris. She is on her own Liverpool pathway. 

Tarte cremeuse a la noix de coco
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 30 August 2024

Friday, 30th August 2024 - Friday Night Pint

 I have shopping in the cupboards, fridge and freezer ready for a day of cooking tomorrow for a family lunch we are hosting on Sunday. I love a family get together.

I dropped into Silcocks for a coffee with Pippa who was holding a sale of her beautiful french treasures. I was very tempted by the blue and white chocolate pots that have eccentric handles. 

Tim spent the day pruning and gardening. I spent the afternoon ironing and cleaning.We had well deserved beer - I like the cherry one - with Mike and Pippa at McCanns that seems to be settling into it setting.

Friday Night Pint 

Thursday 29 August 2024

Thursday, 29th August 2024 - Clive's Apples

I had a satisfying day of domestic tasks. It felt good to get on top of cleaning and ironing.

I have had a lovely evening with just a select few WOKAS members painting still life. Clive provided us with vases, pots, flowers, apples and bowls. I chose apples and a bowl.  

Clive's Apples 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wednesday, 28th August 2024 - Ancient Shrub Rose

I hung a washing line full of blankets that flapped and dried in the sun. I felt very satisfied.

We had a power cut this afternoon. We were rung to check we were ok as they had notice that there was a pensioner in the house!!! 

Lindsey came and helped me extract weeds from flower beds and relocate many many large slugs into the woods. Thank you for your help and company.

When we moved into our home 24 years ago there was an apricot shrub rose. Today it is still flowering and smells like sherbert. A good subject for a postcard.

Ancient Shrub Rose 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tuesday, 27th August 2024 - The Ewe and Lamb

 It has been horribly quiet without our grandchildren.  I occupied myself clearing, cleaning and tidying.

A circular walk around Rolvenden Layne with Tony and Wendy was very therapeutic. I found a house for sale that I liked. Even better that we finished in The Ewe and Lamb for an early drink.

The Ewe and Lamb 
Pen and Watercolour

Monday 26 August 2024

Monday. 26th August 2024 - Ready to go Home

We have had another night of the grandchildren without parents staying. They slept like angels all night. I was expecting a night time disturbance but none. Well done little ones. They are very individual and make an excellent mix. I have laughed, cried, shouted and had the best of times with them. They are now returned safely and unbroken to their parents.  

Ready to go Home 
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday, 25th August 2024 - After the Park

We had croissant or toast or rice for breakfast with Hetty, Raffy and Herbie. They all read books before heading into the day. I have played Brio and Playmobil with Herbie. I found a bag of stick on facial hair. Raffy sported a moustache for most of the day. The weather was warm enough to have a pasta lunch outside. Some magic pens occupied them all at various times of the day including myself. The garden provided entertainment from digging holes to reconfiguring our hose system. Tim took the children blackberry picking. I joined them with water and snacks at the park. The girls dressed up in a some of my clothes causing much giggling. Herbie found more toys to play with in the bath before reading me a bedtime story, then I got to read one to him. They certainly kept their grandparents entertained today.

Today's postcard is a quick sketch of our grandchildren and Tim watching a film after a busy day while I cooked dinner. They are all now in bed, including Tim.

After the Park
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday, 24th August 2024 - Hibiscus for Wisdom

This morning I made Delia's leek and potato soup, cheese scones, a loaf of bread and brownies in preparation for the arrival of our grandchildren who are growing and need frequent feeding.

It was a shame that the weather was wet. Herbie and Tim took refuge in the garage repairing the holes in the paddling pool. We are in anticipation of a sunny day tomorrow. Hetty taught me how to play Dobble. I taught Hetty how to play dominos. Raffy and Herbie came and went during the games. They enjoyed a film with a dozing grandad. After homemade pizzas the girls read their books and Herbie sploshed around in the bath. It is now 9.45pm and I can hear the patter of feet above me. Hopefully exhaustion will overcome them very soon.

Hibiscus for Wisdom 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 23 August 2024

Friday, 23rd August 2024 - Castelmoron-sur-Lot

We have family staying and visiting over the next week or so. Tim and I donned our leather gloves and armed with secateurs battled a years worth of bramble growth to retrieve the garden table and chairs. 

Today's postcard is painting of our last day in France. We were walking around the village of Castelmoron. A delightful town with cafe, boulangerie, pretty stone shuttered houses and river. I took many photos so that when I have finished with this year's project I can make BIG paintings.

Pen and Watercolour

Thursday 22 August 2024

Thursday, 22nd August 2024 - Summer Party

I was back in socks and jeans today. No hot Nouvelle-Aquitaine weather here in Benenden.

My sister welcomed me home with tea at her house. It was lovely to see her and Fritha. We caught up on stories in the kitchen while the rain watered the garden.

This evening it was our annual Weald of Kent Art Society Summer party. Clive held it in his studio which is like an solo art exhibition. So many beautiful paintings and sculptures. Damn the drizzle keeping us inside. We had a fun evening none the less. 

Summer Party
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday, 21st August 2024 - The Blue Bridge in Bordeaux

What a fantastic few days we have had in France. The house Mike and Pippa have in Fongrave is stunning. We hope to get invited back. I sat in the sun having my last breakfast of coffee and melon feeling sad that we were leaving.

Our packed bags were loaded into the car. We had coffee in Castle Moron with a delightful nutty biscuit. The market had a stall selling fish based meal. Shame we were full of croissant. Next time. Mike and Pippa took us to the train station in Tonneins where we had a wander and a lemonade. Our goodbyes said - it was sad to leave  them - we boarded our train to Bordeaux. On arriving the tram took us into the centre where we were blinged by the shops. After I are my Poke bowl in a cafe we found an art gallery. A mixed exhibition with some theatrical religious paintings, some modern art and a bit of Impressionism. Back on the sunny streets of Bordeaux we wandered through a park before taking many trams to the airport which is where I am sitting blogging while we await our flight. I cannot wait to catch up with family. I missed them very very much. 

I drew today's postcard while we were sitting in a park in Bordeaux and painted it while on the plane flying home. An interesting experience.

The Blue Bridge in Bordeaux 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tuesday, 20th August 2024 - Sunflowers in a Barn Window

 Mike and Pippa have been our hosts and tour guides. We got tea in bed from Pip this morning. After an al fresco breakfast of coffee and pastries the drove us past house for sale - very tempting, to visit their Dutch friends who are doing an immaculate renovating an old house. Onto the road for coffee in Laparade that was gearing up for a night market. Having to leave the pretty hilltop village we swung by CastleMoron for bakery delights and supermarket bargains.

Lunch of fish soup with Pippa’s croutons was delightful in the shade of their house. Back on the road with Pippa she got garlic and white beans from the local farm shop. We were shown the process of plum to prune. I love a bit of machinery.

Back at La Maison Rose for a swim followed by tea and fruit tarts.

We had aperitifs with Pippa’s two sisters before heading back to Fongrave a lovely dinner. We ate outside as the sun set. So beautifully warm. 

Now time for bed. Goodnight everyone. 

Monday 19 August 2024

Monday, 19th August 2024 -Fig Tree and Caravan

The eight o clock bells roused me from my sleep. After a mug of tea and shower it was bed stripping and bag packing. Mike came and collected us and our bags for our next stay at their house. I love it here. There is so much space I can live and breath the trees. We sat out I. The warming sun with coffee and croissant. Caroline,Craig, Dee, Roger and Bill dropped by and had coffee on their way back home. June and Barry arrived with pastries as they were passing on their way back to Kent. 
This afternoon we walked to the farm shop and ate our peaches and greengages on our walk back.
I bravely took a swim with Mike and Pippa in their pool.
This evening we had aperitifs with Pippa’s sisters and John watching the swans on the river.
Our day had not ended. We were taken to a night market. Tim and I had salt chicken d with rice and pickled vegetables followed by crepe while listening to live music.
The people next to me were leaving and gave us their raffle tickets. Politely I asked where they were from. Michael lived a couple of doors down from where I grew up in Keston!!! His sister Hilary Carver went to primary school with Tim and my sister. How freaky is that! 
I am now heading to bed in the most stunning bedroom with huge windows opening onto wonderful star lit skies. Goodnight lovely people. 

Sunday 18 August 2024

Sunday, 18th August 2024 -Behind La Maison Rose

 We said goodbye to Steve and Zoe. It has been wonderful to catch up with their news. I would recommend them as house buddies anytime. 

The weather was looking cooler. Tim and I decided on a walk to Castle Moron. About an hours walk but passing intriguing fields of corn, a nuttery of hazelnuts, plum trees and fields of sunflowers it took us a bit longer. We stopped for a romantic drink at Cafe do Commerce. We were joined by Ray and Linda and became a foursome. They drove off. We walked back to Fongrave. It was getting a bit hot. Back at our apartment I did a fine impression of a goldfish swimming in a bowl around and around in the pool. 

Mike, Pippa, Ray, Linda, June and Barry arrived for an aperitif before we were escorted to my first Night Market in Montclar. I think that is where we were? Delightful food and a wonderful view with the most amazing orange moon.

Thank you Ray and Linda for driving us home. I think we are all shattered after a fabulous few days and all down to Mike and Pippa having the energy and insight to have a house here in Fongrave.  Thank you and good night.

Saturday, 17th August 2024 - Saturday Market

Steve and Zoe drove us to  Casseneuil. Beautiful town but it was deserted. AND no charging points for their car. We had a wander and a very salubrious  coffee at canoe hire place. Looking for something a bit more vibrant Steve drove us to Villeneuve sur lot which was much more buzzy. We strolled through the market and found a lunch spot with a fixed price three course menu with wine and coffee. The market was dismantled by the time we had eaten our peaches and cream. Charging points came available so Steve charged off to plug in. We tourist around churches and bridges and returned to a charged car as the rain bucked down. A supermarket gave us refuge and provided us with party wine and sea urchin nibbles.

I am drinking a last glass of wine with Steve and Zoe at 1.30am ish, Tim has gone to bed, before they leave us tomorrow. Now Steve has gone to bed. We have spent a fabulous evening at Mike and Pippa’s French house warming party with their friends, neighbours and family. Now Zoe has gone to bed!!! I am all alone.

Friday 16 August 2024

Friday, 16th August 2024 -The Moon and Pippa

 My alarm was evil waking me at 2.30am. I shouldn’t complain as we are going on holiday …. But I will a little bit as I love my sleep. A drive to Gatwick in the dark arriving in Bordeaux in daylight. Ray and Linda were on the same flight and we grabbed a lift. A stop off for lunch in Duras was delightful. We had the set menu which was a bargain. We all gad crudités, then I had an escalope of turkey followed by an amazing coconut tart. Back on the road Ray very kindly dropped us at our Airbnb where Steve and Zoe had settled in and dipped in the pool. 

I unpacked my pants, changed into cooler attire. We wandered along The Lot river watching the water activities. We had a little rose and olives. Thank you Steve and Zoe for bringing supplies, before walking to Mike and Pippa’s. Wow what a fabulous house they have. It was filled with friends and family. We sat outside and ate under the stars. I am shattered and going to bed. Goodnight. 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Thursday., 15th August 2024 - Temptation

I did lots and lots of ironing. We now have copious amounts of shirts and blouses to wear - no bottoms needed ironing?!?

We went for a quick chatty walk with Tony and Wendy this afternoon. The bushes are abundant with blackberries. This prolonged our stroll as we kept stopping to pick and eat them. I wonder if you can make blackberry gin?

This evening WOKAS had.a portrait demonstration. It was a risk having an event in August and we were concerned the turnout would be low. Soooo embarrassing when you have a paid demonstrator. No worries this evening. It was one of the highest numbers of members attending we have had. Very pleasing and a great portrait painted in oils in about an hour and a half. Very clever. Very inspiring. Another highlight was a bourbon biscuit I had with my coffee. Yet another highlight was meeting Ted a 12 week old puppy. I am not that bothered by dogs unless it is Fable but Ted was adorable until he started chewing the buttons on my blouse. Welcome to WOKAS Ted.

Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Wednesday, 14th August 2024 - Having a Rest

Thank goodness for the cooler weather. I do not function very well in the heat mentally and physically it makes be a bit cranky. So today I was full of joy. The washing got put on the line. I did some more weeding. I hoovered a tangle of cobwebs that had been building in our bedroom. 

The best part of the day was with Harriet and the grandchildren. Herbie loves water especially if there is a hose involved. We all got a bit wet, even the cat, from his exploits. Tim put the paddling pool out on the grass. Our robot mower took a couple of bites. It no longer holds water. It is going to have a couple of remedial patches. Thank goodness I did a double cheese scone bake. They all have hearty appetites. They make me grounded. We are running low on books for them to read. Anyone got any that are suitable for an avid six year old reader, he was reading my old Dr Suess today and adventure stories for 11 and 13 year olds let me know?

Having a Rest 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Tuesday, 13th August 2024 - Verbena bonariensis

I woke up at 3am to find Tim beside me. I waited for his return. After a while I went in search of him. He was in the garden. We watched the Perseid meteor shower then went back to bed with wet feet.

The weather was perfect for a trip out in the MG. I didn't have to snuggle my knees under a blanket. It wasn't too much of an adventure as we had letters to post and a bit of shopping to do.

I have made soup and cheese scones in preparation of our grandchildren visiting tomorrow. I am so looking forward to playing with them.

Our garden has Verbena bonariensis sprouting up all over the place. It glows in the sun. A fabulous plant. The temperature went below 25 degrees so I ventured out into a shady spot and did some much needed weeding.

Verbena bonariensis 

Monday 12 August 2024

Monday, 12th August 2024 - Memories

Another mighty hot day it has been. I was full of beans cleaning and hoovering until the heat increased. I sat down for a coffee and that was that... the hoover is still sitting in the middle of the hallway. 

We are watching a crime series called Vienna Blood. Love the 1900's period it is set in. Love the actors. Love the costumes. Love a murder mystery. Perfect end to the day.

Today's postcard is for John who's birthday it is today and from a day we spent with friends in Falmouth. Happy birthday John.

Pen and Watercolour

Sunday 11 August 2024

Sunday, 11th August 2024 - Persicaria runcinata

Today I have been keeping my washing machine occupied, it has had a rest while I was on holiday. The sun had dried all my knickers on the washing line. It has been a been hot to do much else but potter. 

When I visited my friend Leelee a month or so ago she had a tub full of delightful plant that I coveted. I took some cuttings. Within a couple of weeks they had rooted - very pleasing. I planted them out and to keep them strong removed any flowers. My Purple Fantasy is looked fantastic. Today I took a couple more cuttings. Would you like one?

Persicaria runcinata 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 10 August 2024

Saturday, 10th August 2024 - Nasturtium for Joy and Pleasure

We are home from a wonderful Falmouth after a week of holiday friends, adventures, food and wine. The train journey home was much easier than going with no cancellations. Just over 7 hours door to door. So good to be back home and find the chickens still laying eggs, Morris the cat at 21 years still alive and tomatoes ripening in the greenhouse.

This morning we jammed all our clothes back into their bag. Having purchased a few new things it was a very tight squeeze including a few bottles of Cornish gin. It was a mizzle of a morning that cleared as we walked through Falmouth town. We had our last coffee holiday coffee with Diane, John and Bobby in Windjammer watching boats and ferries coming and going.

Today's postcard is to celebrate the arrival of a new baby. 

Nasturtium for Joy and Pleasure 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 9 August 2024

Friday, 9th August 2024 - Thousands of Pink Wigs

Over coffee and croissant we had an exciting morning watching the Olympic climbing. John and Diane have been introduced to a new sport. I am not a follower of sport in any which way but this was amazing and I felt an affinity with Harriet, Brett, Hetty and Raffy. I know they were watching too. It would have been wonderful to have been with them - next time.

Finally, we left and walked to get the 69 bus from Falmouth to Mylor Bridge. We got off a few stops too late and added to our daily step count. It's a very hilly trek to The Eastways cafe. The weather was kind today and we sat outside. The crab cakes and chilli jam reminded of my friend Sarah back in Kent. I haven't seen her for ages and hope she still remembers me. Back on our feet we walked the sea path scrambling across barnacle clad rocks to get us to Flushing to catch the Ferry back to Falmouth. 

Tim had found a CAMRA guide. We visited the Seaview Inn - rather sticky and disappointing as it is run by Verdant where we had an amazing meal on Tuesday. We went down 111 steps of the Jacobs Ladder in search of more pubs on Tim's list. 

Penny Come Quick was next - ok but we didn't linger long. Back out into the sunshine The Moth and the Moon was a gem with a roof top terrace, unfortunately more steps for my tired thighs to tackle. 

We had a table booked at Mine, in The Old Brewery Yard. I thought we had eaten some glorious food but this was fabulous. Want to know what I had... started with sourdough bread with seasalt butter, we shared potato skins with truffle oil and parmesan, a starter of lamb ravioli, followed by pan fried goats cheese gnocchi, confit courgettes, basil pistou and nanny muffet cheese (not sure what the nanny cheese was but it was delicious), I finished with honey cake with meringue, cream and strawberries. A stunning meal with lovely friends. 

While drinking our aperitifs thousands of women, possibly a few men, paraded past wearing pink wigs in raising money for care and treatment of breast cancer. 

Back walking home we dropped into the Star and Garter where I had coffee, the others were still drinking alcohol.

Our last night in Falmouth we are drinking a last glass of rose. Thank you John and Diane for hosting us and showing us the delights of Falmouth. We will miss you.

Thousands of Pink Wigs 
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday, 8th August 2024 - The Famous Barrel at Penryn

Rain didn't hamper play today. But too wet for long rambling walks which gave my thighs a chance to rest. John took us to Penryn. Lunch was planned. The Famous Barrel looked a good spot. Lovely pub full of a bar of locals. We ordered our drinks. No food served. A couple of bags of chilli curls, Twiglets and peanuts sustained us. Back into drizzly Falmouth to get some supplies from Lidl for dinner. A lovely lazy afternoon back at Moonraker watching the rain across the Fal. Bobby needed a walk. Gyllyngvase Beach was the perfect spot to chase a ball and watch Diane bravely take a swim. We warmed up with a coffee in the cafe on the beach. Back at the apartment Diane made a very tasty paella. We are now catching up with the Olympic highlights celebrating being on holiday with friends with a glass of sparkling Chapel Down.

The Famous Barrel at Penryn 
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday, 7th August 2024 - Helford River

I feel like a true tourist as John and Diane planned our day. We met with Nigel, Jane and Chris in Helford. Tim, John, Nigel and Chris went to primary school together. They have know each other for 60 years - amazing they are still in contact. A steep path took us to the beach then a coastal walk to get the tiny ferry across the river. On the other side we walked to Helston for lunch at The Holy Mackeral. I had the most amazing fish finger sandwich with picked vegetables. Back on our feet to Kestol Barton for an ice-cream and a wander around a charming garden. Tim and Nigel got their footpaths maps out leading us back to the quay. I painted the beginning of today's postcard sitting on a barnacle encrusted rock. Back on the tiny ferry and over the waters to The Shipwrights Arms. A soda and lime for me. Back onto the coastal path where we said farewell to Chris the sheep farmer. 

This evening we ate the most fabulous vegan curry at Wilder.  There is no choice. We were served dishes with eight different curries and sauces - just delicious. A walk through the streets of Falmouth town to The Greenbank Hotel where Nigel and Jane were staying for a last cointreau on ice - the coffee machine was off.

We walked and walked and walked 22,905 steps today.

Helford River 
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Tuesday, 6th August 2024 - View from The Royal Standard, Flushing

We had a lovely slow start to our day after an evening catching up over food and wine with Diane. John, Diane and their dog Bobby left us. I did a painting of the view from the apartment while Tim did some work. I was very happy with my picture until it was gently criticised by my husband. It has been relegated to the bottom on a drawer for now. 

We headed into town and after a trip around an art gallery and bought a pasty - a Cornish one!!!- for lunch from the oldest pasty shop in Falmouth. Mine was a medium traditional and Tim went off-piste and had a vegan. We ate them out their paper bags on the quay side waiting for our boat. A short trip across the Fal and we landed in Flushing. The weather was perfect for a walk across fields, through woods and along the prettiest of lanes. We stopped at The Royal Standard. Tim had a beer. I needed a pint of lime and soda while drawing today's postcard. I got totally lost in my art for an hour or so. We headed off to get our return ferry and sat chatting on the quay only to watch our boat leave from another set of steps. With half an hour to wait it would have been missive of us not to try the Harbour House the other pub on Flushing. Back on our ferry across the water to meet John and Diane in The Front. What a fabulous spot and buzzing. We had dinner at Verdant, The Seafood Bar. The perfect meal for me with lots of little sharing dishes. I loved the crispy sardines. 

We are now back in Moonraker watching the Olympics. What a fabulous day. 

View from The Royal Standard, Flushing 

Monday 5 August 2024

Monday, 5th August 2024 - Trelissick Beach

After breakfast chez Moonraker and a bit of a lie-in - so nice not to wake up to an alarm - we took another boat to Trelissick. It was a half an hour-ish trip on the Fal and a very amusing commentary from our captain. He tempted us with sights of herons - saw them, seals - nope, egrets - nope, mermaids - nope but Poldark was filmed nearby, I did enjoy that series. On landing it was an uphill windy route to Trelissick beach where I poked around the rocks and got squirted by the winkles. Continuing our uphill walk we wandered around Trelissick House, I had a Cornish pasty before walking through the gardens with the most beautiful trees before zig zagging back to get our boat back to Falmouth. We did a bit of shopping and the heavy bags of provisions made us need to stop for a gin and tonic before continuing home.

I have a pepper/tomato and sea bass bake in the oven ready for Diane our next addition to our party. Oh and a glass of rose.

Trelissick Beach 

Sunday 4 August 2024

Sunday, 4th August 2024 - Alliums and St Maws Castle

The sun is setting over a fleet of sailing boats on the estuary as I type. So beautiful.

John has now joined us in Falmouth after a night on a coach - apparently not the best way to travel. John being a connoisseur of the area I was happy to take his advice on our days adventure. 

We walked into town. I bought myself a striped jumpsuit. I hope I don't look like I am in my PJs when I wear it. Next we took a ferry across the Fal to St Maws using our Mussel card. I didn't expect there to be so much 'green'. in Falmouth. I love the wonky trees snuggled amongst the houses. So very picturesque with their pastel painted walls. 

We stopped at The Victory Inn for a quick refreshment then wandered past the prettiest of houses to St Maws Castle. Bit of history for was built by King Henry VIII, I don't think he did much stone laying himself, at the same time as Pendennis Castle to defend Cornwall. I love a walk around a rampart.

We had a few minutes to spare before our return ferry. I had a gin and tonic on the balcony of St Maws Hotel. On our return we had dinner at The Boathouse pub. I haven't had a roast dinner with lamb for ages. The smell of mint sauce reminded me of all those Sunday roasts Mum cooked with Dad and my brother and sister. Mum cooked the best roast potatoes and popovers. 

Our last pub of the day was The Working boat where we watched children swimming and jumping off the wall - made me very nervous but they were having a great time. 

Thank you John for an excellent day.

View from Moonraker 
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday 3 August 2024

Saturday, 3rd August 2024 - View from Moonraker

I have had my last morning of bnb for a while.

Tony came and collected Tim and I. What a kind friend he is. He dropped us off at the station and left. We wandered onto the platform, Tim dragging a bulging bag (I couldn't decided what to pack so took loads of 'just-in-case'), to find our train to Charing Cross was cancelled. The next scheduled train meant we would miss our train to Falmouth. Tim had had this happen to him previously and knew what to do. We went from Ashford to St Pancras, to Paddington via the tube. I had no idea where I was or where I was going and trailed along with my bag in total confidence that Tim would get us where we needed to be. He did. We got out train and now we are in Falmouth staying in a fabulous apartment that looks over the Fal. A few beers and wine later and I am ready for my holiday.

We are alone tonight but will be joined by friends whose apartment it is tomorrow. They are going to show us the local delights. Fabulous.

View from Moonraker 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 2 August 2024

Friday. 2nd August 2024 - Treasures at Bentley's

Oooh I had a sudden realisation that we are now two days into August!!! Is time running away with me? Is it getting older that days seem to fly by. I have so much I want to do....

It has been a busy and happy day. The boiled egg I served my bnb guest was perfect on the third day of experimenting. Success is beautiful.  I wrote my 'To-Do' list. It was very long. By 12.30 I had two thirds crossed off. The greenhouse has been tidied. Pots have been refreshed and old saggy soggy petunias composted. The day was going well. I met Harriet and the grandchildren in Cranbrook. They had a dentist visits. Herbie has 21 teeth and Hetty left minus one. She nearly left her removed tooth in the basket at the supermarket checkout. The checkout girl kindly gave it back to us!! I love them soo very much. They came to see their grandad. He and Herbie did a fine job of cutting the grass on the sit on mower. Harriet made me tea. Why is tea so much better when it is made for you?

Our bnb guests opened a bottle of wine this evening. It would have been very rude to refuse a glass or two. They had bidded for a couple of items at the Cranbrook auction. I love an auction and felt a brief pang of  jealousy - then I remembered we have a loft, garage and house full of 'stuff'. Best not add to it.

Treasures at Bentley's 
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday 1 August 2024

Thursday, 1st August 2024 - Bramley Apple Tree

The commission I did? Phew they liked it.

My guests challenged me at breakfast by ordering poached, scrambled and boiled eggs, ham and cheese, toast, croissant, pain au chocolate, fruit salad and yogurt, tea, coffee and a mug of hot milk. I felt a small sense of achievement following delivery.

We celebrated Tony's birthday a day late - they were busy elsewhere on his birthday day - with Wendy by having breakfast at The Woodcock Inn. I had the Full Monty. A rare treat. Many of those and I would have many muffin tops. I didn't have to eat again until this evening.

This afternoon I watched some bits of the Olympics while ironing bedding. Wow what a lot of muscle. Very entertaining. My roller iron is starting to misbehave. Hopefully a temporary gremlin or it could be an expensive expense.

Our Bramley Apple Tree looks like it is going to have a good crop this year. I love it's wonky ways. A good subject for today's postcard.

I am loving the sound of the thunder as I type. A power outage may be on its way. I had better type faster.

Bramley Apple Tree 
Pen and Watercolour