
Thursday, 30 October 2014

Thursday, 30th October 2014 - The Festival Spiegeltent

After some swift breakfasts for guests I headed to Canterbury passing Brett on the way. Hetty and I completed ten puzzles - Bella was busy playing with her animals and napping. Harriet provided us with delicious snacks.

Harriet had a puzzle of her own getting the girls car seats back together and then into the car. We headed over to the other side of Canterbury to watch a theatre production of Country Owl and Town Squirrel - the girls enjoyed it very much. There were many of their friends there. It was held in an amazingly beautiful tent with mirrors on the poles - now that was interesting. On the way back we visited the animals at the pet shop followed by a quick dash around Morrisons before heading to Riverbend for tea, stories and bed.

I drove through intermittent fog home to find more insulation, plaster boarding and wiring had been done.

The Festival Spiegeltent
Pen with Watercolour
Watercolour Paper


  1. Aww nice painting mum, thank you for a great day xxx

  2. Hi Kate, love the painting, beautiful work.
