I love the extra hour in bed - guilt free lie-in.
Brett has insulated, plaster boarded and started to build a new wall. A lot done a lot to do.
Tony and Wendy collected us for a walk in the woods. We were chatting a lot and relied on Tim and his directions. We got a little bit lost. I heard on Gardeners Question time today that there are 25 ways to navigate by looking at a tree, unfortunately none of us knew any of them. Two and a half hours later as the sun was setting we arrived back home. It was a great walk.
Hemsted Forrest
Pen with Watercolour
Watercolour Paper
Beautiful colours, could be an illustration in one of the girls' books. Except that you haven't turned your friends into animal characters. I suggest a badger for dad, a barn owl for Wendy and a rabbit for Tony.