
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Tuesday, 19th March 2013 - 10:22:31am - Not So Good

The day started ok with breakfast completed. I took to my bed feeling rough and woke to restore myself with a Lemsip and honey.

A late booking for this evening followed by a call on my mobile to say that another four guests had arrived at our front door ready for their stay. Madness ensued to get everything ready. Totally my fault with the booking but all sorted now.

I have a sore throat that is bothering me today.  I need my bed and a new brain. The bugs in my throat seem to have affected my ability to draw perspective.

Not So Good
Jacksons 130lb not

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry about your sore throat but it is cruel to write in public about all those guests, expected or otherwise
