
Sunday 11 November 2012

Sunday, 11th November 2012 - Mystery Vegetable

I poached, scrambled and fried this morning.

Three rooms changed and then we went to see Dad. Harriet, Brett and Hetty visited too. Dad made such an effort with Hetty. He was so pleased to see her. Hetty did not worry that Dad was on oxygen and enjoyed mimicking his oxygen pump.

Tim dug up what I thought was going to be kohl rabi (?sp) but it turned out to be a many rooted salsify.

Mystery Vegetable
Bockingford 140lb not

1 comment:

  1. From Wikipedia: Kohlrabi is a perennial vegetable, and is a low, stout cultivar of cabbage. The name comes from the German Kohl plus Rübe ~ Rabi, because the swollen stem resembles the latter, hence its Austrian name Kohlrübe.

    Your vegetable looks like it could start walking...

    Has my letter come through yet?

