My alarm was evil. 6am...just the one snooze. When I can get my act together and be arsed to get out of bed I love the house at this time of day when no one is up and about and it is just me, my thoughts and a mug of tea. A beautiful time.
Now we have recovered from our colds, Tims lasted over three weeks, mine a few days, we are trying to excercise our Christmas fat off by taking up walking again. Once I have hauled myself out the door it is most enjoyable. Fitting it in between other pressing acitivities can be a challenge especially with such short daylight hours. We did it today.
Steve, Zoe and Lizzie are over from France. They called in for tea, Christmas cake and the champagne we did not drink New Years Eve. Steve has broken his arm skiing. Trees, a lost piste, a cliff edge and a helicopter were involved. I felt terrified hearing the story.
I watched a programme on interior design where three people get 48 hours to do up a room. You cannot make a descent job in such a short space of time. The fast forward button was useful. Ridiculous.
Sunbeams, Watercolour |