
Wednesday 28 September 2016

Wednesday, 28th September 2016 - Great Dixter Hornets

I took tim to the station for the start of his trip to Bangkok. The flight is eleven hours which sounds rather unpleasant to me even with films to watch. I could have gone with him but the price of the flight and Tim being at a conference dissuaded me. It was only yesterday that I found out he is taking have the week as holiday!!! I suppose it's reasonable when travelling nearly six thousand miles. That doesn't stop me feeling outdone and grumpy.

I took Sarah to Great Dixter this afternoon. We had a rather splendid time. The dahlias were looking gorgeous. We wandered through the meadow to find four men up to something. Sarah being the inquisitive sort had to find out what was going on. They were preparing for a plant fair at the weekend by fencing off a hornets nest. I hope the hornets keep to their side of the fence.

The Great British Bake Off was there to comfort me in my lonesomeness this evening.

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