
Tuesday 29 December 2020

Tuesday, 29th December 2020 - Walking the Line

I enticed Harriet onto the mat with me today. 57 minutes with Adriene. I was just thinking I could have a rest in child's pose when we were off to one legged downward dog not forgetting to square our hips and pull our belly buttons in. No respite in corpse pose as she sneaks in a bit of leg scissoring for our core. Blimey. 

For the third day in a row with have eaten curry. Each day it has had an addition. Salmon the first day or chicken if you preferred, there may have been a bit of pheasant. Day two king prawns and sprouts. Today accompanied by runner bean chutney, naan sour dough made by Brett and a side of sprouts. I bought far too many sprouts when they were 19p for 500 grams. We now have them with every meal. I used to look forward to a sprout. Now they have become a bit of a mission.

Walking the Line
Pen and Watercolour

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