
Sunday 10 November 2019

Sunday, 10th November 2019 - Pay The Toll

It was the perfect day to finish Tom's garden. The soil must be very fertile as the plants grow even through the artificial grass. Inside work was progressing on window frames

Dave and Josie joined us for lunch in The Foundrymans Arms. It was a fully ladened roast. I had lamb and was very full. Diego wanted us to try his lemon meringue pie. We said we would share a piece and were presented with five. I was even fuller. How they can make any profit when they only charge £7.50? I haven't had a popover (my siblings will understand the terminology) for ages.

Time to leave Tom. Thank you for a great weekend.

Back at home and I have a bed and breakfast guest. Harriet let him in and was going to give him chocolate brownie. An earwig had taken residence. It was in the fridge!!!  Hardy little beasts. The chickens will be feasting on that tomorrow.

Pay The Toll

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