
Friday, 7 March 2025

Friday, 7th March 2025 - Greetings Cards

This morning I spent printing a batch of linocuts. A chicken, a pair of otters, a bumble bee, a hare and a lucky black cat. 

Printed on recycled paper £3 each with envelopes. DM me if you would like any.

Five Cards


Lucky Black Cat

March Hare

Bumble Bee


Thursday, 6 March 2025

Thursday, 6th March 2025 - Birthday Card for David

Sarah and I had another carpark rendezvous. Sarah is giving up bed and breakfast having no longer need for soap, shower caps or sewing kits - my boot got filled with overstock to delight my guests. We had a couple of coffees and compared medical notes on our phones. We are both very healthy according to our latest test results. I was very happy with my purchases from the charity shop, Phillips Mans shop (40% off as they are closing) and ingredients for Raffy's 12th birthday cake. 

After an alfresco lunch I was back clearing weeds while listening to an excellent murder mystery book by Rachel Amphlett. I am delighted that she is a prolific writer and will keep me entertained.

March birthdays are associated with Jonquils. This inspired a linocut that I have made into a birthday card. 

Birthday Card for David


Monday, 3 March 2025

Monday, 3rd March 2025 - Spring Still Life

 My kitchen was full of art easels and the smell of oil paint. Three out of five of The Viridians were present. Clive set up a still life for us from a plethora of vases, pots, flowers. After an hour or so we took a break. It was lovely to sit outside and have bowls of soup. We went back to our easels to finish our work. 

Spring Still Life
Oil on Board

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Tuesday, 25th February 2025 - Sketchbook Snowdrops

 I was hoovering, polishing and getting our double bnb room ready for guests. I stopped for a coffee and jokingly said to Tim I had better check I was cleaning the right room. They were booked into our twin room! Back upstairs with the hoover, dusters and polish. Thank goodness they are lovely guests.

Our home smelt of freshly baked bread. I had made a sour dough loaf and a wholemeal one. Thank you to my son-in-law Brett for the very lively starter that makes great bread. 

I didn't feel much in the mood for painting so did a quick drawing in my sketchbook of the snowdrops from our garden that are abundant this spring.

Sketchbook Snowdrops

Monday, 24 February 2025

Monday, 24th February 2025 - A Crocus Ring

After nearly an hour in the dentist chair having my tooth is now filled and fixed. I am very pleased to have got that over and done with. Lindsey came for restorative tea that I managed not to dribble from my numbed gums.

This afternoon I spent at a WOKAS committee meeting. I love these afternoons spent with my funny arty buddies.

The previous owners of our home planted a silver birch tree surrounded by crocus. There is no longer a tree but the circle of crocus still appear every spring. 

A Crocus Ring

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Sunday, 23rd February 2025 - Strolling

Tim was out hedge cutting before I had got out of my PJs. It was another dragging branches onto an ever growing pile. The air was good for my fuzzy head.

This afternoon we went for a stroll with Tony and Wendy around Benenden. It was cold and windy and very muddy. It is always entertaining to hear their stories and adventures. Over a mug of tea the list of pubs we are going to eat at got longer and longer. My walking companions look good in my sketchbook.

Grantchester was an emotional one this evening.



Saturday, 22 February 2025

Saturday, 22nd February 2025 - Afternoon Explorers

Tim and I had a lunch date at the home of Gay and Robert with Steve and Ivy. On our way we drove past The Lord Raglan, a pub that has been sold and will again be a pub. So pleased it isn't going to be turned into a house. We had a walk and passed a charming shepherd's hut that would made a gorgeous artists studio..... in my garden.
It was a lovely afternoon that turned into a wonderful evening full of delicious food, many glasses of wine and convivial company. Thank you Robert and Gay for a perfect Saturday. I added to my sketchbook memories of the day.

Afternoon Explorers

Shepherds Hut

Friday, 21 February 2025

Friday, 21st February 2025 - Failure

Tim has been hedge cutting before the birds build their nests. The cuttings are like little trees and metres long. It took a few hours of me dragging them onto the bonfire to clear up. The weather was warm enough for me to take off my coat. Lovely for the mind and body.

I was very pleased while working on my linocut that I could make fine lines. Damn it. When I came to print the ink filled in my little lines. At least it amused Tim who identified it as an owl - no, no. it's a bluetit! Back to the cutting mat.


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Thursday, 20th February 2025 - WIP

It has been a washing, ironing and cleaning day.

I ordered a palette attachment for my easel for my paints and brushes. It came today. It's very flexible,so useless,  which is not the best for oil paints. I can imagine an unintentional Pollock creation. Shame as it was under a tenner and the others I have been looking at are over £300 which is ridiculous. Tim and I are going to invent one.

I started on a linocut. It may end up in a frame or the bin.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Wednesday, 19th February 2025 - Little Bookworms

I have lost a big filling in a back tooth. The thought of having it investigated sent my heart thumping. My wonderful dentist was very kind and gentle when he saw me quivering at his door. I go back on Monday to have it fixed. I came home to be greeted with healing hugs from my grandchildren. Tim had fed them with toasted sandwiches. I spent the afternoon catching up with Harriet's news while all three children read. I took photos of my adorable grandchildren and used them to do three charming drawing to add to my sketchbook.

Hetty and a Novel

Herbie and a Beano

Raffy and a Book

Monday, 17 February 2025

Monday, 17th February 2025 - Blue tit and Flower Pot

My plans changed today twice today. My afternoon was spent listening to my audio book digging out weeds while the sun was shining. 

Bayliss & Co in Tenterden sell my tiny pictures. Run by Beth it is wonderful shop that sells local artists creations. I am in the process of making a new collection. Today's watercolour of a blue tit with eggs is the first step in the plan for a linocut. I wanted to see if the composition worked. It's a work in progress it looks a bit 'stiff'. 

 Blue tit and Flower Pot
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Sunday, 16th February 2025 - Catkins for Divine Inspiration

After many mugs of tea I braved the garden. Oh and a coffee. It was very very chilly out amongst the weeds and worms. I picked primroses and snowdrops and made a tiny posy. We took it to Si and Lesley's. Over soup, tapas and nectarine cobbler we hatched a plan to take a train trip to Spain. Nick and Alli were there and in on the plan.

I went back into my studio to repeat my oil painting lesson. I had much more success using the proper board and mineral spirit. Here it is.

Sphere in oil

I collected a bunch of catkins to paint. They are beautiful but drop their pollen in a cascade of yellow on the table. Great fun to paint.

Catkins for Divine Inspiration

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Saturday, 15th February 2025 - Pink Wine and Poinsettia

We have had a quiet day. Tim has been mending the electric fence that rusted through its wires. The foxes will not be having a chicken banquet tonight.

I have eventually packed up the Christmas decorations. I look forward to getting them out in ten months time.

The afternoon I spent in my studio following an oil painting course by Lacey Lewis. The first lesson was creating a sphere using the imprimatura method. I lost myself in concentration. 

I reduced our mountain of eggs making omelettes with homemade chips. It was a comforting meal on a chilly day.

I added to my sketchbook with a sketch of rose wine and Herbie's pink poinsettia.

Pink Wine and Poinsettia
Pen and Ink

Friday, 14 February 2025

Friday, 14th Feburary 2025 - Love in a Linocut

We have had a lovely evening. Lindsey hosted us with Tony and Wendy.The food was delicious, The company entertaining and informatiive. Thank you for a lovely friday night.

I practised my lino cutting skills making a card for Tim for Valentine's day. I have found by not pressing so hard or digging so deep into lino I can get finer lines.

Love in a Linocut

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Thursday, 13th February 2025 - Orange Trees in Hemsted

I have been sorting out the WOKAS programme. Arty Wendy and I have lost of exciting things up our sleeves for members. It is strange to be booking painting sessions for 2026. 

Gardening Wendy came to my door with two cornflower plants. They will be perfect for putting in the gap that Tim has reclaimed from the bamboo. We might need a few more plants as it's a rather large piece of bare land. Tony joined us and we went for a long walk through Hemsted forest. It was very wise that we wore wellies slurping through the mud. 

I am thoroughly enjoying my evenings watching Grantchester. Murder, mystery and a bit of steamy action. Fabulous. I can paint and watch at the same time. 

Orange Trees in Hemsted

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wednesday, 12th February - Vegetable Shopping

The weather was cold and grey again. It was brightened by the company of my sister. We visited Bumbles and looked at the plants and smelt the flowers. Next to Pets World. I left with a bag containing two filled horns for Fable and Poppy and a suet feeder that is going to attract lots of birds for me to watch while drinking my coffee. At Chittenden farm shop I filled a basket with apples, pears, a cucumber, a lemon, lettuce and onions. We warmed ourselves with coffee, a warm cheese scone with herb butter in Frankies and doted upon our grandchildren. Thank you for a charming morning.

This afternoon the sun refused to shine. I grumbled myself into the garden and felt much better for a session of weed removal.

Vegetable Shopping
Pen and Water

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Tuesday, 11th February 2025 - Kiwi to Cure Colds

Sarah and I had a rendezvous in Cranbrook carpark. Our favourite coffee shop has shut and we needed to scout out the town for an alternative venue. I was very sad to see that the old art shop is going to be a sunbed salon - really??? We chose Willow and Sage. The coffee was good. I wasn't that sure about the toasted bacon sandwich we shared. The day got better with a successful book find for my grandson, five for £1 and a 50p Disney DVD for when the grandchildren come in stay. Phillips Mans shop is closing down. 40% off stickers on the window tempted us in. I came away with some walking boots, socks and a shirt for Tom. Sarah got some charming trousers for the summer. 

We had a pile of kiwis ripening on the kitchen window sill. Cut up and added to oranges with a dollop of yogurt was delicious. They are packed with vitamin C and excellent for warding off colds.

Kiwi to Cure Colds

Monday, 10 February 2025

Monday, 10th February 2025 - A pot, a squash and a cabbage

The Viridians were up to full quota today. Leelee fed us with homemade bread and soup. Wendy was painting a nocturne and spent some time stopping Ted, her puppy, chewing our painting supplies, Alison, taking painting supplies away from Ted until he fell asleep and Clive helping, advising and encouraging our painting journey. I arrived to find they had set up a very complex still life. I took along a six 5x7 inch canvas boards anticipating speedy painting and production. I left nearly four hours later with one nearly complete painting. The perfect way to spend a cold and wet Monday.

A pot, a squash and a cabbage
Oil on board

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Sunday, 9th February 2025 - Alstroemeria for Friendship

I needed coffee after a session of yoga with Adriene. I am still working my way through Revolution. It's a tough one. It will be a good one to repeat.

I gaily ventured into the garden. I didn't last very long. My hands were painful they were so cold. Some plants have been potted up from my order a while ago but I was too cold to write their labels. They will be mysterious.

This evening we had a last supper but hopefully not a last sighting of June and Barry. Their home is so beautiful. Looking around mine as I type there is stuff and more stuff everywhere. Tim and I have had a very creative day!!! It was a lovely evening with Mike, Pippa, Ray and Linda. So many stories it was hard to keep track. Lovely food. Excellent company. 

Tim bought some flowers to take to June. I kept a couple of sprigs back for myself. I had great fun painting them. I looked up the symbolism for alstroemeria. It's friendship. Perfect as we spent the evening with our lovely friends.

Alstroemeria for Friendship
Watercolour and Ink

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Saturday, 8th February 2025 - My Daily Brushes

 It's been a chilly day - all day. Tim has been active digging out bamboo. I have been less so. I did make a rather delicious sour dough loaf. Very little is left. It was toasted with jam. This evening we covered it in tomato, mozzarella, a scattering of olives and a sprinkle of green chillies. It is a health food isn't it?

This evening we met Alison, Cliff, Leelee, Richard, Clive and Wendy in the barn at the back of The Woolpack in Tenterden. The Tenterden Wildlife were showing the film Wilding. Oastwood Vineyard were serving a very fine rose wine. The film was beautifully made. My favourite bit was the beavers. I recommend a viewing.

My Daily Brushes

Friday, 7 February 2025

Friday, 7th February 2025 - Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club

Rain had confined me to inside cleaning. I made Nancy Birtwhistle's All Purpose Cleaner. from her Clean and Green book. A bit of vinegar, a splosh of surgical spirit added to water and in a spray bottle. It seems to work a treat ... so far... and the smell of fish and chips only lingers a short while. I am now investigating green bleach. So much cheaper than ready made cleaners. The jury is out as to which is the better.

Tim and I went to see Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club at Benenden School. What a fabulous evening. Two pianists on grand pianos, a guitar player from New Zealand, a drummer and two double bass players. Wow just wow. My favourite song was a Hymn for Freedom - just beautiful. I am in awe.

As I type I am watching a heart rending episode of Grantchester. Tears are running down my face. 

I tried to capture the band this evening from a very bad photo. So a rather sketchy sketch.

Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Thursday, 6th February 2025 - Talk by Nick

Wendy, arty Wendy not gardening Wendy, and I did a reconnoitre of Ruckinge church for a future painting venue for WOKAS. After getting back we did an about turn collect a handbag that we had left in the Church porch. Money and credit cards all present and correct. Must be a very honest area. And a relief.

I was back on my hands and knees digging out wild garlic bulbs. I have found a series of audio books that is keeping me entertained. It is a soggy tedious task.

This evening Nick Hebditch gave WOKAS a talk about his artistic journey. Loads of inspirational information and pictures. I really want to do more oil painting .... if only I had a Strada easel! I took the opportunity of listening and watching while doing a sketch of Nick and his audience.

Talk by Nick
Pen and Ink

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday, 5th February 2025 - Chicken Sitting

Gardens are beginning to come to life with daffodil sticks, floriferous snowdrops, head down hellebores and a sprinkling of crocuses. Unfortunately, the weeds are keeping up. I was on my hands and knees digging out wild garlic that has monopolised a flower bed. Good start but lots more to go. I threw the 'diggings' into the chicken run. It was funny watching them scratching and scrabbling  together.

We are looking after our friends chickens while they are on holiday. They made a lovely models for a sketch.

Chicken Sitting
Pen and Ink

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Tuesday, 4th February 2025 - A Sprig of Hellebores

I didn't win a Strada easel. I have got over my disappointment. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Actually I tell a lie. I found it damn difficult. I liked looking at everyone else's paintings. 

The village fete poster is with the committee. I await feedback.

The dilemma this evening whilst studying a sprig of hellebores is ink first or watercolour first. Ink today. It takes a brave and bold artist to go in with colour first.

The best part of my day was getting a phone call from my granddaughter. It was wonderful to chat with her. She makes me feel good. Thank you Hetty for making your Grandma laugh.

A Sprig of Hellebores
Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 3 February 2025

Monday, 3rd February 2025 - Goodbye Robin

Tim and I went to a funeral today. I had only met Robin a few times. He was a very good friend of Tim's older sister Susan. I found him to be a lovely man and it was very sad to say goodbye to him. Days like today make you think and appreciate what we have. It felt strange going to the pub for the wake. The last time I had been there was with my brother and Mum. It was a beautiful view from The Queen's Head Inn. A double page of the misty view in my sketchbook was a lovely way to remember Robin and my Mum. I miss my Mum. 

I will find out at 2am who has won the Strada easel prizes. I probably wont be waiting up to find out.

Goodbye Robin
Pen and Watercolour

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday, 2nd February 2025 - Tim and A Woodburner

The frost on the grass sparkled with tiny rainbows in the sun this morning. So pretty.

The gates were open when we collected our car this morning. It was reassuring to know that even though the drivers door had been left wide open all night our possessions were still there.

Nick and Suzy invited for lunch with Si, Lesley, Nick and Alli. We drank lovely wine, ate delicious food (even though my request for custard and ice-cream on fruit crumble did get queried) and chatted for hours. They are very avid readers which is excellent. I now have many book and programme recommendations that I will need reminding of as I cannot remember a single one now. A good way to spend a Sunday lunchtime. Thank you Nick and Suzy for being excellent hosts. 

I have been working on my commissions. The dry points are printed and now drying ready to be framed. The poster for the Benenden Fete is nearly there in composition. Next I have the fun bit of drawing and colouring. I have got an on-line oil painting course waiting for some spare time - really looking forward to it. It's by an artist Lacey Lewis who I admire greatly.

Two quick sketches of our woodburner and Tim working.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday, 1st February 2025 - Afternoon Walk

I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with my daily artistic musings. A sketchbook would fill in my gaps and craving for drawing between bigger works. I found a gorgeous sketchbook that has sat pristine in my cupboard. Now it has the opportunity to see the light of day. I welcome you to my life in sketches.

Tim and I picked up Tony and Wendy and headed into Tenterden. The sun was shining and the perfect day for a stroll. We parked in the station carpark and headed off at about 3ish expecting to return in a couple of hours. The walk took a few unexpected deviations. We stopped for a beer at McCanns brewery. My knee was gripping at going on any downhill trajectory that slowed us down. I did a check on my phone that had an activity log - over 17,000 steps - no wonder my knee gave way!. We returned to Tenterden in the dark but the moon did look glorious. The gate to the carpark was shut and padlocked enclosing our car. A discussion over a beer at The Old Dairy resulted in Pippa coming to our rescue and driving us home. Thank you Pippa we owe you, lots.

Afternoon Walk

Friday, 31 January 2025

Friday, 31st January 2025 - Grape Bowl

I have been clearing out my studio so I could print my drypoints. I found have found all sorts of forgotten art materials. Now lots of art ideas are spinning around in my head. I did get the printing done. It is now drying before I add a touch of watercolour.

Day 31 #stradaeasel

The last day of the very challenging challenge of painting from life every day in January. A bowl that used to contain hyacinths has been repurposed as a fruit bowl was today's subject. I can now wait for the arrival of my new easel!!!

Grape Bowl
Pen and Watercolour

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Thursday, 30th January 2025 - A Promise of Spring

A 'to-do' list for today has got longer as the day progressed. A meeting this afternoon with Alison and Wendy contributed to it considerably. We are working on our art groups forthcoming programme. Lots of decisions, emails and searching for guest artists needed. If you know anyone in the Tenterden area who does art demonstrations or workshops let me know.

I have been working on a couple of dry points for a commission. I forgot how much I enjoy this slow, messy process. This is alongside a poster I am doing for the Benenden fete that is progressing slowly. 

I stuffed clothes and soft plastics into their bins in Tescos carpark. A small but cleansing process. Sadly no bargains in the reduced aisle.

The sourdough dough it sitting in the fridge. Not much fermentation going on. I think I will bake it tomorrow to give it more of a chance to grow. Brett lent me his recipe book by Elaine Boddy. I have had a quick flick through. There are biscuits, focaccia, and crackers. They all sound delicious. 

Day 30 #stradaeasel

The primroses are just beginning to show their faces. It was dark when I got home so I took a torch to gather a tiny posy for today's painting. I found that if they were damp I could stick them to a plastic chopping board at about 45 degrees. Made it a bit more interesting than another bunch of flowers in a vase.

A Promise of Spring
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Wednesday, 29th January 2025 - The Lost Earring

If you are ever passing through Goudhurst and need a coffee Taywells is a good place to stop. I caught up with Gay there today. We are both very proud grandparents. There is a farmshop attached which sells some lovely stuff if a bit on the pricey side. 

Parkers is an on-line plant/seed website that delivered a large box of things in pots. Wendy recommend the plants for our clay heavy garden. This afternoon the euphorbias and athyriums were able to spread their roots into bigger pots. Goodness knows what athyriums are but I am sure they will be delightful.

My son-in-law Brett has been making sour dough for years. He gave me a bit of starter yesterday that I fed this morning and is now very lively. On his advice now is the time to make the dough when I have an active starter. Here I go....! I will let you know how it turns out.

Day 29 #stradaeasel

The earring that was lost has been returned to me in the post. 

PS Just in case my son reads this that is alcohol free beer I am drinking!

The Lost Earring
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Tuesday, 28th January 2025 - Fresh for Five Days

I have missed a few days yoga. I got on my mat with Revolution with Adriene. She did a mean core session - owweee.

We had a lovely day in Wickhambreaux. I have missed them all so much. We haven't seen them for weeks due to viruses that are now departed. Harriet gave us surprisingly tasty chocolate and courgette muffins with our coffee. So wonderful to collect Herbie from school after an excellent day. I am so proud of him. He told us all about his day on the way home, the food and the songs. Hetty and Raffy looked charming in their school blazers. They are growing up so fast it's scary. Back home I was convinced I had left my mobile in Harriet's bathroom on the side of the bath. I took it out my jeans pocket for safety having previously dropped it down a toilet. Find My phone told me it was at home with me. I was very pleased to find it under the car seat. Daft woman! 

Day 28 #stradaeasel

I bought these tulips a few days ago. They have an interesting droop that I needed to paint. 

Fresh for Five Days
Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 27 January 2025

Monday, 27th January 2025 - Portraits with The Viridians

Day 27 #stradaeasel

It was a squeeze getting breakfast done and a Tescos delivery sorted in time to leave the house to be in time for The Viridians. I made it in time to Clive's house for coffee. All five Viridians were present today. We were inspired by the pastel portraits we had watched last Thursday. We all can draw a face but it is getting a likeness that is the challenge. My portrait of Clive looks a bit like King Charles. I learnt a lot.Thank you clive for the tuition. Thank you Leelee for the soup. Thank you Alison for the truffles. Thank you Wendy for bringing Ted.

Clive in Pastel

Alison in Pastel

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sunday, 26th January 2025 - The Imposter

A beautiful clear sunrise greeted me as I dragged on my dressing gown. I guessed it was going to be a lovely sunny day. Good thing I am not a weather forecaster. It had turned into a disgusting very wet and very windy Sunday.

Happy Birthday to our dear friend Pippa. We had a great evening last night celebrating. It was lovely to be with friends we haven't seen for ages. Barry was excellent on his guitar and he played and sung Weather With You to me. Ok maybe not just to me as there was a room full of people but he knows it is my favourite.

A couple of enquiries for my art have landed in my email. One is a painting from my website. The other for a couple of drypoints. How wonderful. 

Day 26 #stradaeasel

We have a few chocolates left over from Christmas. Tim has his favourites and I am happy to eat anything from a Celebrations tub. There were a few dark chocolate Lindt truffles lurking in the bottom of a box. I had the idea of today's paining while eating a Bounty, followed by a Twix and then a Milky Way - they are very small!

The Imposter
Pen and Watercolour

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Saturday 25th January 2025 - Happy Hens

I managed to do my first breakfast of 2025 without any mishaps. Poached eggs on toast was an easy way to start off my working year. It is good to have guests back again. I love chatting with them. I could be classed as nosey. I prefer to think of myself as interested.

We are off to a birthday party this evening. It was a good excuse to do a linocut for a birthday card. I will post a photo of the card tomorrow. There is a theme to Pippa's present. I have made marmalade and Tim has made a loaf of bread and the chickens have made the eggs for a birthday breakfast tomorrow. I love a party. Looking forward to a dance.

Day 25 #stradaeasel

I set myself up in the garden to paint our chickens who were enjoying a respite from the wind and rain. 

Busy Hens

Friday, 24 January 2025

Friday, 24th January 2025 - After Dinner

I have my first bed and breakfast guests of 2025. Most of my afternoon was spent getting the house into order for them. Amazing house dusty quickly  the nooks and crannies get without regular attention. They didn't want my malt loaf. I did with butter and it was better than a Soreen. 

Day 24 #stradaeasel

We are into the last week of the Strada easel challenge. There are over 900 participants. My chance of winning an easel is looking remote. I was clearing up after dinner. Lovely subject for a pen drawing. 

After Dinner

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thursday, 23rd January 2025 - Wendy's Malt Loaf

Adriene has disappointed me. She is no longer dropping her monthly yoga calendars into my email box. There are ten years worth on the internet I discovered. I am working my way through Revolution. My stomach muscles and arms have had a good workout today. Love the way she teaches.

My tax return figures are in, added and delivered to my husband to put in some sort of order for the tax man. Glad that's over for another year.

This evening I went to a WOKAS get together. Juliette Dodd was demonstrating portraits. We learnt a lot and are inspired for our next Viridians meeting to have a go at portraits in pastel. 

Day 23 #stradaeasel

I was rummaging through my recipes for a chocolate brownie recipe my sister had given to me years ago. I came across a recipe that Wendy had given me for malt loaf that I had forgotten about. A search in the cupboard and I had all the ingredients. I made two lots of chocolate brownies and a malt loaf. Good use of the oven baking all three at once. It delicious sliced and spread thickly with butter. 

Wendy's Malt Loaf
Pen and watercolour

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Wednesday, 22nd January 2025 - Snowdrops to shed the January Blues

For those who wondered what a pomelo tastes like it is like a sour orange or a sweet grapefruit. A rather charming fruit.

This morning we drove through the mist and fog to meet Elizabeth and Keith at the Lime Wharf cafe in Northiam for breakfast. I would have taken a photo and used that for inspiration for today's work but it is not in the rules for the strada challenge and I really really want to win an easel so I didn't. I had chilli infused Lebneh with avocado and roasted cherry tomatoes served on sour dough with apricot and date jam. When eating out I try and have something I don't cook at home. This I have never made and it was delicious. Lovely place for brunch. It set me up for another afternoon with my tedious tax return figures.

Day 22 #stradaeasel

I picked some snowdrops yesterday that were tight buds. The warmth of our kitchen has unfolded some of them. I am home alone this evening and taking the opportunity of indulging in listening to music while tackling a linocut and print. 

Snowdrops to shed the January Blues

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tuesday, 21st January 2025 - Pomelo

We have been without power while smart new poles and electric cables were installed. It made me realise how much electricity powers by day to day life. I gave up inside as everything I thought to do, ironing, vacuuming, making bread and blow drying my fringe was not possible. Good thing it was dim lit day to hide my grubby house. I put on my coat, bobble hat, plugged in my earbuds and headed out into a very cold and foggy garden to tidy and clear. My sweetpeas aren't up yet. 

Day 21 #stradaeasel

Just before Christmas Tim and I were delivering Christmas cards in the village. We were chatting with a neighbour who had been shopping to get a Pomelo. He ate them for breakfast when he lived in India and liked them as they reminded him of those times. I have wanted to try one ever since. I found one in the local supermarket. It is about the size of a melon but looks and smells like the cross between an orange and a grapefruit. An interesting painting subject for me to tackle today. A quick google and they are a fruit with lots of lovely symbolism - good luck, family unity and prosperity. Sounds good to me,

Pen and Watercolour

Monday, 20 January 2025

Monday, 20th January 2025 - Wonky Pots

No stories to tell today. I have been adding and collating figures for my tax return.

Thank you for the book recommendations after my request for them yesterday.

Day 20 #stradaeasel

From my vast collection of pots I chose three for today. They are all a bit wonky. Some from being handthrown and some because I got the perspective a bit out. I was watching the series Pennyworth that was on the edge of my vision. After last year of painting 366 postcard sized works I am thoroughly enjoying painting bigger. 

Wonky Pots