
Thursday 17 October 2024

Thursday, 17th October 2024 - Foraging for Sorrel

My culinary skills were put to the test this morning with poached eggs, scrambled eggs, toasting bread, baking pain au chocolate and slicing fresh fruit salad. I jest. A full English breakfast is a thing of the past that I do not regret taking off my breakfast menu. And now I get to stay in bed for an extra half an hour. 

I have been printing lino prints in my studio. Some have been upside down and back to front. What a messy process. It's very relaxing and pleasing when they come out the right way round. It was text that I was experimenting with today.

A recipe in a soup book got Tim and I on a foraging mission. We were looking for sorrel. The first field yielded very little. Nothing in the woods. A field next to lake was peppered with the delightful spear shaped plants. Our harvest is being make into soup as I type. We are testing a recipe for an upcoming dinner party.

Tonight I am off to watch Tom Marsh demonstrate something in oils with the WOKAS group. 

Foraging for Sorrel
Pen and Watercolour

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Wednesday, 16th October 2024 - Sweet Chestnuts for Wisdom

I woke up alone. Tim had left and gone to London before my eyes had opened. A mug of tea kept me company to start my Wednesday. 

I have been going through photos to make up a poster for the WOKAS Open Day on Saturday. Seeing pictures of the grandchildren as babies, toddlers and the antics they got up to and the defeats they have made me feel squeezy of my heart - I love them so much.

The trees are turning and the ripening sweet chestnuts are being closely watched by the squirrels.

Sweet chestnuts for wisdom
Pen and Watercolour

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tuesday, 15th October 2024 - Favourite Fields

I have been in my studio (I love my studio) printing linocut cards for the WOKAS open day this coming Saturday in Tenterden. We are in Highbury Hall that is not the most exclusive of venues but excellent for its location. Pop in is you are passing.

I have been experimenting with our air fryer. It cooks fish tastily. I tried chips to go with our cod. They tasted more like crips. I will persevere. 

Today's postcard is of a view of fields that we walk frequently. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Tom and Fable, sometimes with family and sometimes with friends. I would like to show it to Tom's friend when she visits next time.

Favourite Fields

Monday 14 October 2024

Monday, 14th October 2024 - Two Scottish Otters

This morning Lindsey dropped in. We had tea. I love hearing about her weekend adventures.

Later Ray came by with a misbehaving phone. It mended itself! Over coffee we chatted about 'to move or not to move'. 

Tim and I went for a misty walk through the soggy fields of Benenden this afternoon. We both needed to stretch our lazy legs.

Bill, my bed and breakfast guest, knew of my passion for making art. He paid with a Scottish ten pound note as he thought I would like the image on the back of two otters. I did and do. Today's postcard is my linocut interpretation of the otters. Thank you Bill for your thoughtfulness.

Two Scottish Otters

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sunday, 13th October 2024 - Nigel's Russets

We had an excellent meal at a very busy and friendly Salehurst Halt last night. Sarah and I shared a many layered starter with crispy choizo, black pudding, avocado, black beans on a tiny round of flat bread - absolutely delicious. The rose wine was pétillant which I like very much. I had short rib baised beef with a rich sauce and polenta with shavings of parmesan. Chatting with friends is a lovely way to spend a Saturday evening. I slept very well and had to set my alarm so I was up and ready to poach eggs for our bnb guests.

Tim has been hedge cutting. I gave a hand with the clearing and started a bonfire that quickly turned from flames to smoke to nothing at all. It needs to dry out a lot. I love a bonfire. It is ready for attention on another day.

Nigel gave Tim a bag of his favourite apples. They are russets. The perfect model for today's postcard.

Nigel's Russets

Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday, 12th October 2024 - Hesperantha coccinea that's not coccinea

 Lindsey gave me this plant a few years ago. I have divided it and have four pots in my greenhouse. At this time of year it sends up spears of pink flowers. It should be put out into the garden but so many plants disappear in our flower beds I don't want to risk losing it to the slugs/snails/deer or rotting in our water clogged clay. I might be a devil and plant one out as an experiment. It's name is and isn't correct. It is a hesperantha coccinea but coccinea means red and mine is triumphant in its pinkness.

We have sparkling windows, weatherboard and cars. Tim got his brush with its hose attachment out!!!!

I must go and change my blouse and put on my green necklace. We are off to dinner with Sarah and Nigel at The Salehurst Halt. I am very much looking forward to an evening out. Tim had lobster risotto at The Savoy last night. That is probably not on the menu this evening. I will tell you any intriguing stories tomorrow.

Hesperantha coccinea that's not coccinea 
Pen and Watercolour

Friday 11 October 2024

Friday, 11th October 2024 - Lucky Black Cat

Lindsey and I headed into Tenterden this morning. We were on a mission to find a small gift to post to our brother. He's not feeling at his best and had to cancel a trip to see us a while ago. We both love a wander around the shops. We were examined the glorious books in Waterstones. I returned a blouse to White Stuff and got cash back in my wallet. I returned a bag to another shop and left annoyed that I had been given a credit note. Brett and James are replacing some very very rotten timber beams in one of the shops. Brett came up with the marvellous idea of getting Chris some Tiger balm. Excellent. We found it in Boots with vitamin D tablets and a little gift for my advent calendar collection for Harriet, this is a secret so don't tell her!!! The Grape Tree added to our shopping with roasted nuts. Nutmeg was a perfect place to stop for frothy coffee and a shared pork roll. Thank you Lindsey. I was just a bit envious of Lindsey. She was spending the afternoon making an autumn wreath.  BUT I remembered that I have the charming lavender wreath that Alli made me on my door so wouldn't have room for another. Enviousness averted.

This evening I am alone as Tim is at an awards dinner at The Savoy. I hope he brings me home a truffle. I watched a stupid romance that made me cry while eating a steak that caught fire under the grill. It had a nice charred crust. When I had stopped crying I spread myself out on the dining room table with my lino cutting blades and spent a happy time cutting a cat. This I will send to my cousin Susan as she is a lover of cats.

Lucky Black Cat